Old Main (1875-1913)


<img alt="Lawrence Hall (1905), Old Main Building (1874), and the Old Model School (1906), St. Cloud State University" class="richtext-image center" src="https://exhibit-production-digitalcommons.s3.amazonaws.com/images/00044.width-500.jpg" width="500" height="124">

<p style="text-align:center;"><a href="https://archives.stcloudstate.edu/index.php?p=digitallibrary/digitalcontent&id=45">From left: Lawrence Hall, Old Main, and the Old Model School, 1907</a></p>


Designed by architect A.M. Radcliff and completed in 1875 at the cost of $28,000, Old Main served as the main instruction and administration center for St. Cloud State University including as a library. The library room housed several thousand books and government documents. A south wing was added in 1893 and a north wing constructed in 1897. The Old Main building was demolished in 1950 upon the completion of nearby Stewart Hall.

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Library, Old Main Building (1874), St. Cloud State University

Library, Old Main Building (1874), St. Cloud State University

Library, Old Main Building (1874), St. Cloud State University

Library, Old Main Building (1874), St. Cloud State University

Old Main Building (1874), exterior, St. Cloud State University

Old Main Building (1874), exterior, St. Cloud State University

Old Main (1874), St. Cloud State University

Old Main (1874), St. Cloud State University

Lawrence Hall (1905), Old Main Building (1874), and the Old Model School (1906), St. Cloud State University

Lawrence Hall (1905), Old Main Building (1874), and the Old Model School (1906), St. Cloud State University

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<img src="https://exhibit-production-digitalcommons.s3.amazonaws.com/images/29105414-old-main-1874-st-cloud-stat.2e16d0ba.fill-75x75.jpg"/>
Old Main (1875-1913)

<img src="https://exhibit-production-digitalcommons.s3.amazonaws.com/images/29127589-old-model-school-1906-exterior-st-clo.max-75x75.jpg"/>
Old Model School (1913-1952)

<img src="https://exhibit-production-digitalcommons.s3.amazonaws.com/images/29127585-kiehle-1952-exterior-st-cloud-state-u.max-75x75.jpg"/>
Kiehle Library (1952-1971)

<img src="https://exhibit-production-digitalcommons.s3.amazonaws.com/images/29127579-centennial-hall-1971-exteri.2e16d0ba.fill-75x75.jpg"/>
Centennial Hall (1971-2000)

<img src="https://exhibit-production-digitalcommons.s3.amazonaws.com/images/29127596-miller-center-2000-exterior-st-cloud-.max-75x75.jpg"/>
James W. Miller Learning Resources Center (2000-present)