The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship


Sandy Nadeua Oral History

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Publication Date



Biographical Information:

Sandy Nadeau served as executive director of the St. Cloud Symphony Orchestra from 2001 to 2014.

Transcript Summary:

In an oral history interview conducted by Margaret Vos on June 10, 2015, Nadeau discussed the involvement of the St. Cloud Symphony Orchestra at the Lemonade Concert and Art Fair. Nadeau touched upon how the weather has affected the orchestra, performing outdoors and indoors and St. Cloud State, music played at the event, including music commissioned to honor Ginny Tennant, a longtime volunteer at the Lemonade Concert and Art Fair, and town and gown relations between St. Cloud State and the campus.

Interview by Margaret Vos


Image ID: 11671

See additional files below for full transcript.

Interview with Sandy Nadeau.pdf (45 kB)
Sandy Nadeau oral history interview transcript

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