About Institutional Repositories | The Repository at St. Cloud State | St. Cloud State University Research

The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

About The Repository @ St. Cloud State

The Repository @ St. Cloud State is a permanent open-access online archive for collecting, preserving, and making accessible the faculty, student, staff, alumni, and university-level creative, intellectual, scholarly, and administrative output. The Repository aggregates and permanently preserves the campus scholarly and cultural record to promote interdisciplinary research, maximize research impact, and support local, regional, and global development and interests.


There are many benefits. These include:

  • Designed for easy discovery by internet search engines, making scholarship simple to find
  • Materials will have a permanent URL
  • Use grows quickly.
  • Creators will see from where their content is being viewed and the number of downloads
  • Raises the visibility of St. Cloud State and its employees and students
  • Showcases in one place the diverse scholarship of St. Cloud State employees and students, as well as historic information, current grey literature, campus conferences, and OA/OER material
  • Stakeholders and scholars on campus and around the globe can learn what research is being conducted at St. Cloud State


All work submitted to The Repository must be original work that is creative, scholarly, or research oriented produced by St. Cloud State employees, students, and alumni. The work must also merit preservation and dissemination.

There are different kinds of content that will be considered for The Repository:

  • Publications or creative works created by current employees
  • Student scholarship or creative works created by currently enrolled students as well as alumni
  • Historic archives material (including historic SCSU publications and images)
  • Current SCSU publications/material that are non-traditional (grey literature)
  • Conferences on campus and proceedings
  • Open Access (OA) and Open Educational Resources (OER)