Graduate students in the Gerontology Master’s (MS) Program complete a culminating experience (Thesis, Starred Paper, or Comprehensive Exam) as a requirement for their degree. These projects represent those completed after 2014. All other Gerontology culminating projects can be found as bound copies in the St. Cloud State University Library.
Culminating Projects from 2019
A Library Card, Cigarettes, and Hand Painted Dishes: Stories of Older Women’s Meaningful Possessions, Amanda Clemens
Gerontology: M.S. Thesis
What Ails Bessie: Barriers and Challenges to Good Health for Rural Older Adults, Kari Robinson
Gerontology: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2018
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Dementia in Aging Veterans: An Overview for Health Care Professionals, Bethany Mary
Gerontology: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2017
Places We Call Home: An Exploration of What the Baby Boom Generation Knows About Housing with Services / Assisted Living, Jennifer Writz
Gerontology: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2016
Ganja and Geriatrics: The Health Benefits and Risks of Medicinal Cannabis for Older Adults, Tyla JD Hughes
Gerontology: M.S. Starred Paper
Population Aging and Long-Term Care Policy in China and the United States, Wei Hui
Gerontology: M.S. Starred Paper
Approaches to Caring for Older Veterans with Chronic Addiction: A Guide for Staff, Laura Kunstleben
Gerontology: M.S. Starred Paper
A New Approach to Retain Certified Nursing Assistants in Nursing Homes, Lois Rausch
Gerontology: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2015
Somali Elder Care: A Guide for Healthcare in the West, Meyran A. Omar
Gerontology: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 1998
The Effect of Chronic Illness on Life Satisfaction in Aging Women Religious, LaVonne Schackmann
Gerontology: M.S. Thesis