"A Yankee in King Arthur's Kitchen" by Barbara Ruf Macgillivray

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Subtitle: A Cookbook for the Benefit of the St. Cloud State University Annual Women's Day Scholarship Sponsored by the SCSU Alumni Association.

This cookbook evolved out of the 1982 English Folklore and Fantasy Summer Tour Program held in Alnwick Castle, home of the 10th Duke of Northumberland. The tour was co-sponsored by St. Cloud State University's Center for Continuing Studies and the Alumni Association, under the direction of Dorothy Simpson and Tom Macgillivray. having spent numerous hours researching English and Scottish cuisine for my tour tenure as "Curator of the Kitchen," I developed an authentic English menu to satisfy my German-American tastes. Due to the requests of our tour participants at the castle, I am sharing my English menus along with a second section covering some of my favorite family recipes. And as an added bonus, most tour participants submitted a favorite recipe so the last section should bring back fond remembrances of good times shared in Alnwick.

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St. Cloud State University


St. Cloud State University, cookbook, Alnwick, United Kingdom

A Yankee in King Arthur's Kitchen
