"Children with Disabilities and Delayed Entry to Kindergarten: To Send " by Bria L. Pedraza

The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type

Starred Paper

Degree Name

Early Childhood Special Education Studies: M.S.


Child and Family Studies


School of Education

First Advisor

JoAnn Johnson

Second Advisor

Deborah Wheeler

Third Advisor

Marc Markell

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Keywords and Subject Headings

"Delayed Kindergarten Entry" "Language Development"


Children with Disabilities and Delayed Entry to Kindergarten: To Send or Not to Send

This starred paper addresses the transition to kindergarten for students with disabilities. The inspiration for this paper came from the frequent conversations that are had between families and educators when it comes time to decide if a child is ready for the transition to kindergarten. This paper addresses the areas to consider in the transition from preschool. First addressing the five main areas of development; academic achievement, social/emotional development, communication, functional skills, and motor development. Although it is not a developmental area it is also important to review socioeconomic status and how this impacts a child's transition to kindergarten. This paper also addresses transition stressors for children, parents, and educators as this too does impact the transition process for many students. This topic is important as many early childhood special education teachers will have these conversations each spring with their families about the transition to kindergarten. It is important to remember that each child has an individualized transition plan. The ever changing expectations of kindergarten is what must be considered in the transition for early childhood students. In the conclusion of this paper it is discussed if kindergarten is ready for the needs of the child versus the child being ready for the demands of kindergarten.

Language Development: Communication Strategies in Early Childhood

This starred paper discusses communication strategies in early childhood that support language development both in the home and school settings. First identifying what we know about language development, the stages of language development, and factors that may hinder language development in young children. In reviewing the literature this paper addresses strategies to enhance language development in early childhood. These strategies include; play, routines, adult facilitated interactions, connection between home and school, as well as child directed interactions. Finally, as early childhood special education teachers it is important that we are aware of the different strategies to enhance language development so we can share our knowledge with families of students with disabilities or delayed speech/language skills.


I would like to acknowledge JoAnn Johnson (JJ) for all of your support throughout the process of furthering my education. Your assistance along the way kept me on track, focused, and motivated to complete these starred papers.

I would also like to acknowledge my husband, Korey, you have been patient, supportive, and encouraging not only through this process but in our life together. I hope one day our kids are inspired to do great things through our accomplishments.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge my mom, Judy, as an educator yourself you inspired me to also follow in your footsteps. I am proud to continue the family tradition and long bloodlines of educators. I hope to one day be as strong of an advocate for children as you are.

Thank You --- Bria
