The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type


Degree Name

Applied Behavior Analysis: M.S.


Community Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy


School of Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Kimberly Schulze

Second Advisor

Eric Rudrud

Keywords and Subject Headings

Teaching Interaction, ASD, Intellectual Disability, ABA


Several studies have utilized various methods to teach social skills to children with autism such as video modeling, peer imitation, social skills training and the teaching interaction procedure (Leaf et al., 2009). The teaching interaction procedure includes describing the target behavior, providing a rationale and cues for when to use the behavior, breaking the target skill into smaller steps, modeling and role playing the behavior, and providing feedback. Prior research on the teaching interaction procedure mainly included students who had average to above average intellectual ability. This researcher plans to implement the teaching interaction procedure to teach social skills to three children diagnosed with autism with an intellectual disability. A multiple baseline design across social skills and replicated across participants will be utilized to evaluate the effects of the teaching interaction procedure on skill acquisition and the generalization of the skills in natural settings.



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