Date of Award
Culminating Project Type
Degree Name
Applied Behavior Analysis: M.S.
Community Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy
School of Health and Human Services
First Advisor
Odessa Luna
Second Advisor
Eunju Choi
Third Advisor
Michele Traub
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Keywords and Subject Headings
Cultural Responsiveness, Self-evaluation, Rubric, Role-play scenarios
A culturally responsive approach to providing behavior-analytic service emphasizes rapport-building, inclusivity of diverse populations, social validity, respect for individuality, and practitioners' need to reflect on their own cultural biases. Based on behavior-analytic literature, how to measure and evaluate these skills and teach future practitioners remains unclear. Self-evaluations might be a quick, resource-efficient, and suitable tool for the maintenance of skills throughout a practitioner’s career. In this preliminary study, a non-concurrent multiple baseline design across participants was used to evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment package with self-evaluation on increasing skills related to cultural responsiveness. Emerging results indicate participants consistently scored themselves higher on using culturally responsive skills using a self-evaluation form compared to the researcher’s data. Implications, next steps, and limitations for evaluating skills related to cultural responsiveness and teaching skills for using a self-evaluation are discussed.
Recommended Citation
Dhami, Jolinpreet Kaur, "A Preliminary Exploration of Methods for Evaluating and Teaching Skills Required for Providing a Culturally Responsive Service" (2023). Culminating Projects in Community Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy. 109.
I want to thank my thesis chair, Dr. Odessa Luna for your support during the entire duration of my project. I appreciate how much effort and dedication you put towards providing me with guidance throughout the process and teaching me so much along the way. I am very grateful for getting to work with you and will never forget what I have learned from you.
Thank you to everyone on my thesis committee for reviewing my project and providing me with feedback to enhance my project. I appreciate it.