The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type





Degree Name

Cultural Resources Management Archaeology: M.S.




College of Liberal Arts

First Advisor

Mark Muniz

Second Advisor

Rob Mann

Third Advisor

Kent Bakken

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Keywords and Subject Headings

Woodland Period, Stone Tool, Technological Organization, Microwear


The Eagle Nest (21SH85) is a multicomponent Woodland period site located in Sherburne County, Minnesota. The site was first excavated in 2018 during St. Cloud State University’s summer field school. A number of artifacts were recovered as part of the survey, including lithic debitage, pottery, fire-cracked rock, and formal and flake tools. Several potential features were also noted which included hearths, a midden, and a living surface.

The primary goal of this research project was to attempt to develop an understanding of the lithic technological organization of the peoples who once occupied the Eagle Nest site by completing a morphological analysis of the lithic artifacts, a raw material analysis, a microwear analysis, and a spatial analysis of the site. Additional goals were aimed at determining the number of components within the site’s boundary and to determine the applicability of microwear analysis in the CRM setting, a field with budgetary and time constraints.

The results of the project indicate the Eagle nest was a multicomponent site occupied during the Transitional and Late Woodland periods, with some evidence of an earlier occupation. Peoples occupying the site used a variety of local, non-local, and exotic materials to manufacture both expedient and curated tools. Results indicated both marginal and non-marginal flaking occurred on the site, and there was a heavy reliance on flake tools. The results of the microwear analysis indicate formal tools were frequently hafted with antler and hide working likely occurred on site.


In loving memory of my sister, Cara Joy Clausen, a great soul.


First and foremost, I would like to thank my committee members for their endless patience and support. It has been a long journey for me to get to this point and I cannot emphasize enough how grateful I am for the knowledge you have shared with me, the advice you have offered, and constant encouragement when I was doubting myself. The project would not have been completed without you.

A very special thank you to Dan Wendt for teaching me about rocks in Minnesota. You took me under your wing when I knew nothing! Thank you.

Last, but certainly not least, to my family and friends - I would not have gotten to this point without you. Mom and Dad, Ben, David, Emily, and Drew your unconditional support has meant everything to me. I love you.

Jill, Emily, Karissa, and Rachel, I do not know what I would do without you. You are the best, most supportive friends a girl could ask for.



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