"Implementing Lensless Cameras in Autonomous Robotic Systems" by Aleksandar Tomović

The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type

Starred Paper

Degree Name

Computer Science: M.S.


Computer Science and Information Technology


School of Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Andrew Anda

Second Advisor

Jayantha Herath

Third Advisor

Yi Zheng

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


The open-source Robot Operating System (ROS) is a mixed and scalable P2P network-based robotics framework. We examine lensless compressive imaging using a hardware apparatus assembly having an imaging sensor, but no lens. Cameras with lenses have been the standard, but several factors constrain their application. Lensless cameras may reduce the cost, size, and weight of image processing as we move away from use of expensive lenses in robot designs. Lensless cameras can be used also in applications such medicine, where apparatus size is very important.

To support our objective we show how ROS applications are developed and most importantly how one can build applications that allows users to complete useful tasks in a timely manner with high performance.


I would like to thank my commitee members Professors Jayantha Herath, Yi Zhang and Andrew Anda for their continuous support. I have to thank my project sponsor Stone3000 Inc. Stone3000 inc. financed this project, provided material; and provided the lab environment needed for my experiments. Special thanks to St. Cloud State University, Computer Science Department and faculty, Electrical Engineering Department and faculty, Ms. Mary Thrall, fellow classmates and friends for providing a great learning atmosphere and for providing skills that made a big contribution during this project. Thanks to my family Andjela, Stefan and Annamaria, for being there when I needed them.



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