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Publication Title

Physics Letters A

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A fiber optic conveyor has been developed for investigating the travel-time difference between two counter-propagating light beams in uniformly moving fiber. Our finding is that there is a travel-time difference Δt = 2vΔl/c2 in a fiber segment of length Δl moving with the source and detector at a speed v, whether the segment is moving uniformly or circularly.


NOTICE: This is the publisher's PDF of a work that was accepted for publication in Physics Letters A. The definitive version was published as:

Wang, Ruyong, Yi Zheng, Aiping Yao, and Dean Langley (2003) "Modified Sagnac experiment for measuring travel-time difference between counter-propagating light beams in a uniformly moving fiber." Physics Letters A, Vol. 312, Iss. 1-2, pp. 7-10. DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9601(03)00575-9

The article is also available the arXiv.

Included in

Biomedical Commons



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