"Improving Student Attitudes toward Science" by Sandi J. Arndt

The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type


Degree Name

Curriculum and Instruction: M.S.


Teacher Development


School of Education

First Advisor

Robert Louisell

Second Advisor

Beverly Kochmann

Third Advisor

David C. Kramer

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Keywords and Subject Headings

elementary science, student beliefs and attitudes, parent involvement



By early elementary school years, students begin exhibiting a dislike and disinterest in science classes. Students find science classes taught using traditional teaching methods to be boring and unproductive.


In the 1997-1998 school year a completely inquiry-based student-centered approach to teaching science was implemented in a fourth grade classroom The students and parents of this class were surveyed and interviewed to compare the student attitudes before and during the implementation of this teaching strategy.


It was found that an inquiry-based student-centered teaching approach to science classes had a definite impact on student attitudes, interest, and willingness to discuss what was being learned in this fourth grade class.



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