Policies | Culminating Projects in Education Administration and Leadership | Department of Educational Leadership and Higher Education | St. Cloud State University

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Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship


Policies for Culminating Projects in Education Administration and Leadership

Who Can Submit

Culminating Projects in Education Administration and Leadership only publishes graduate work conducted under the auspices of the graduate program in Educational Administration and Leadership in the School of Education..


A paper may be removed from public view at the direction of the Dean of Graduate Studies or their designee. Removal is rare and usually the result of plagiarism or other violations of intellectual property rights. However, a citation to the original version of the paper will always remain on the site.

Author Review

Authors do not have an opportunity to review papers they have submitted. Please be sure you are submitting the correct version of your thesis for final review.

The thesis committee and the thesis advisor may recommend revisions prior to final approval. If so, you may submit a revised thesis. Upon final recommendation of the thesis committee, the Graduate School is responsible for final approval and publication.

Rights and Permissions

Before submitting a paper to the repository, please be sure that all necessary permissions have been cleared. You retain the copyright to your paper and grant us the nonexclusive right to publish this material, meaning that you may also publish it elsewhere.

It is necessary that you agree to the terms of publishing in The Repository listed in the author agreement. The terms of publishing include:

  1. You have the full power and authority to make this agreement;
  2. the submitted Work is original and completely the product of your research and writing;
  3. the submitted Work does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties; that you can demonstrate you have received permission for use of copyrighted materials beyond Fair Use guidelines;
  4. and the submitted Work does not contain material of a defamatory or libelous nature.