"The use of an Industrial By-Product as a Soil Amendment and its Effect" by Dawn R. Hawkins

The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type


Degree Name

Technology Education: M.S.


Environmental and Technological Studies


College of Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Mitch Bender

Second Advisor

Charles Rose

Third Advisor

Michael Dvorak

Keywords and Subject Headings

Soil, characteristics, By-Product, Nutrient Retention, Physical, Chemical


Soil physical/chemical characteristics are important in regards to the productivity of the soil. These characteristics can determine the rate at which water drains through soil, how much water is available to plants for uptake, and the speed at which organic matter breaks down within the soil. These attributes also play an important role in cation exchange capacity, pH buffering capacity, and nutrient availability; all important factors in plant/crop growth and protecting environmental quality. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the effects of mixing an industrial by-product on soil physical/chemical characteristics and soil nutrient retention, and to determine the potential value of this by-product as a soil additive/amendment. The experiment apparatus will be constructed using PVC pipes for the soil columns and lumber to construct a stand to hold the columns upright. Once the columns are filled with the soil mixture and placed in their upright position, a nitrogen based fertilizer will be added and irrigation to simulate annual precipitation will begin. The leachate that is produced will be collected and analyzed for nitrate concentration.



I would like to thank my advisor and mentor Dr. Bender for all of his guidance and help throughout my undergraduate and graduate programs. I really appreciate all the extra time and assistance throughout the years. You have provided me with the tools to succeed in an environmental career and I will be forever grateful for your guidance and friendship. I am extremely lucky that I had the opportunity to work with you and get to know you. You are an exceptional person and I am a better person because of you.

I would like to thank the rest of my thesis committee for their time and support. Dr. Rose was always willing to help problem solve and analyze data for this project. Most importantly Dr. Rose has an ability to help you reach a conclusion or answer questions through information and discussions rather than just giving you the answers. These discussions are really what make you understand what is occurring, thus helping you to understand your project more thoroughly. Dr. Dvorak was very helpful in explaining various chemistry reactions and interactions; this information was beneficial to understanding my research as a whole. Dr. Dvorak's questions regarding this experiment aided my ability to better explain my project to people that don't have an environmental science background.

I need to extend a special thank you to Chen Zhu and Kristin Brietzke for their exceptional help with the statistics work in my thesis. My appreciation also goes out to Robin Viestenz for her assistance in the lab with my samples.

I would like to thank my family and friends for their support and love throughout this process. My parents have always told me that I am capable of anything I put my mind to and they have always been supportive of my endeavors. I would also like to thank Lee Cox for his assistance in drawing up the blue prints for the experiment apparatus and most importantly his endless support and friendship. My gratitude goes out to Adam Koshiol for helping build the experiment apparatus and transporting it to the lab. I am also extremely grateful for the support and motivation that Kristin Raveling and Phil Peterson gave me throughout this process, you are wonderful friends. Most importantly, I would like to thank my wonderful husband for his support and understanding throughout my academic career, and his ability to always make me laugh. I would not be where I am today without all the outstanding people in my life.


I would like to dedicate this work to my grandparents, Norman and Adela Kleinschmidt. Without their love and presence in my life, I wouldn't be the same person.
