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Curriculum Unit on the Gilded Age in the United States
Grade Levels
High School 9-12
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As we begin to explore the Gilded Age (1870-1900), that era in American History sandwiched between the Civil War/Reconstruction and the Progressive Era to the Great War, students will grasp how the Captains of Industry had a huge part to play in the Chaos of the late 1800s. Students will not only explore who they were and why they were important but to explain why they rose to such great power and how the government had to regulate them. This lesson will cover the three main Captains of Industry Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, and JP Morgan. I will go in depth about how these men lived and how they were so influential in this time period. In the end Students will decide whether these men were Captains of Industry or if they were Robber Barron’s.
Publication Date
lesson plan, Gilded Age, Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, JP Morgan
Curriculum and Instruction | United States History
Recommended Citation
Szymanski, Nickolas, "The Captains of Industry" (2016). Curriculum Unit on the Gilded Age in the United States. 22.
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