"Inventors and Inventions of the 19th Century" by Dylan Koenig

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Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship


Curriculum Unit on the Gilded Age in the United States

Grade Levels

High School 9-12



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As we dive deeper into the Gilded Age, the students begin to understand the idea of change in this era. The prior lesson discussing the chaos and drastic change of America, the students will understand the amount of change. Change is everywhere and is constant. Drastic upgrades with technology are sweeping across the country at a rapid pace. This causes change in industry and improves the lives of people in a general sense. Tasks that were once difficult are made easier with a new invention or an upgrade of an old one. Products that were once made manually and involved a lot of work is now done at a rapid rate and the amount of that same product increases tenfold. We will begin to dig deeper into some changes that occurred by working with material that deals with those who are inventors and create things that dramatically change the way the world runs.

Publication Date



lesson plan, Gilded Age, innovations


Curriculum and Instruction | United States History


Adapted from the National World War II Museum.

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Inventors and Inventions of the 19th Century



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