Date of Award
Culminating Project Type
Degree Name
Information Media - Instructional Design and Training: M.S.
Information Media
School of Education
First Advisor
Jeanne Anderson
Second Advisor
Merton Thompson
Third Advisor
Sr. Del Marie Rysavy
Keywords and Subject Headings
educational technology; education delivery methods; traditional learning; distance learning; blended learning; eLearning/online education
The development of technology interacts and influences the innovation in education. Educational technology inventions are integrated into education and change the education delivery methods. Educators have followed the development of technology to research and apply new methods to reduce the geographic restrictions in traditional education, thus distance education came into being. As a development of distance education, in recent years, the educational content delivery strategy changed with an emphasis on applying computer technology in the learning environment. Along with Internet technology becoming popular for public use, eLearning (electronic learning), evolved into higher education. Computer and electronic media have played an important role in the development of eLearning. eLearning is supported by computer-based electronic technologies which has been rapidly developed in the 21st Century, and has brought important impacts on education.
The aim of this study was to find out the current states and future expectation about eLearning from college students’ perceptions. An online questionnaire was distributed to 5,000 randomly selected undergraduate and graduate students at an upper Midwest mid-size university in the United States of America. The data analysis was conducted based on the 264 completed survey responses. Descriptive analysis was conducted including using frequency tables and cross tabulation tables to present the survey results. Factors such as gender, level of studies, age, and major were studied in comparing different questions regarding eLearning.
The findings of this study indicate that face-to-face learning is still student’s most preferred course delivery method, and they reported that they had better learning outcomes in face-to-face learning. Blended learning and eLearning are complements of face-to face learning to meet students’ different needs.
Recommended Citation
Chen, Chen, "Students’ Perceptions About eLearning in Higher Education: A Case Study" (2016). Culminating Projects in Information Media. 8.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have helped me throughout the course of the thesis writing.
My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Dr. Jeanne Anderson, my academic advisor and thesis committee Chair, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has guided me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis with inspiring advice. The completion of this thesis would not be possible without her academic instruction.
I am heartily thankful to my Committee members, Dr. Merton Thompson, and Sister Del Marie Rysavy who gave me considerable help by means of suggestion, comments, and encouragement.
My special thanks also go to the Statistical Consulting and Research Center. I very much appreciate their time and help in distributing the online questionnaire and the collaboration in the data analysis phase. This research would not have been possible without the feedback from the 264 participants.
I would like to thank my parents who have continually supported me through all the difficulties in my academic journey.