"Implementation of Performance Engineering and Enhancing Release Servic" by Sandeep Kumar Bondugula

The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type

Starred Paper

Degree Name

Engineering: M.E.M


Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


College of Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Hiral Shah

Second Advisor

Dr. Ben Baliga

Third Advisor

Dr. Balasubramanian Kasi

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Gary Nierengarten

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Keywords and Subject Headings

Performance Testing, Performance Engineering, Performace Tuning, Agile Methodology, LoadRunner, Release Services


This project was implemented as a part of the IT industry that involved various domains of IT implementation like banking and restaurant domains. XXXX Solutions has reliably been furnishing its customers with amazing programming arrangements in a practical way and on time. They likewise give the right devices, advancements and aptitude sets to execute most far reaching and complex activities without any difficulty. This project focuses on implementation of Performance Engineering and ensures enhanced release services, where various applications were tested. Every application was closely monitored to define the optimum performance. Applications were tuned accordingly in order to meet industry standards of the targeted service-level response times while there is a significant load applied on the application. Finally a comprehensive report with possible recommendations are presented to the client and the applications are certified with a Go or No-Go verdict that would help future developments in the production.


This project would not be possible without the help of my Committee Chair Dr. Hiral Shah, Dr. Gary Nirengarten, and my committee member Dr. Balasubramaniam Kasi from Department of Environmental and Technological Studies and MEM Program Director Dr. Ben Baliga. I really appreciate the professors helping me out and guiding me in gaining the knowledge that helped me through in every subject that I have taken during my period of Masters in Engineering Management at St Cloud State University. I would take this opportunity to thank Dr. Ben Baliga especially as the resources that were provided during my study at St. Cloud State University were extra-ordinary. I would finally like to thank my family and friends for providing great support in the fulfilment of my dream of pursuing my Masters at St Cloud State University.



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