"Development of Web Based Application for Supply Chain Management" by Krishna Chaitanya Kodali

The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type

Starred Paper

Degree Name

Engineering: M.E.M


Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


College of Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Hiral Shah

Second Advisor

Ben Baliga

Third Advisor

Balsy Kasi

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Keywords and Subject Headings

Suppy Chain Java Automation Web


As a firm staying competitive in the market is never easy. It faces a lot competition from each and every competitor. The firms have to always come up with a better strategy to satisfy their customers, incorporate latest technologies to provide better service to their customers. The web based application for the supply chain management is a solution that supports collaboration in Supply Chain as the foundation for gaining competitive advantage and maintain market share. There are some other ways to obtain the collaboration but this is a better solution. There are several technologies that are needed for the design and implementation of this web application, some of the include technologies like Java, HTML, CSS, Java Script, Angular JS, Angular Schema form. There is a high level integration needed to bring this on to a single track and make this work. This web application has used the up to date technologies so this way the application can be the most sophisticated one on the market. This application uses technologies that are completely open source and involves a lot less capital than other tools out there in the world. This way the firm whoever uses this technology will be able to see a growth in the productivity, higher profits and the most important thing would be to make the customers happier. With some minor changes to the application it shall be able to make it available to other companies as well.

This report describes the technologies used and how are they integrated, if this application was really able to manage the supply chain management in the company. This section gives an overview about the design of the application, the forecasting of the demand. The results showed an improvement in the manufacturing process of the company, reduction in the transportation costs.


I am grateful to my chair Dr. Hiral Shah and the Director of Engineering Management Program Dr. Ben Baliga for the immense guidance provided by them throughout the course of this project. By sharing their thoughts and suggestions they have guided me to complete this project successfully. They have spent their valuable time to read and understand this paper. Their suggestions and the recommendations were very helpful for me to design and implement this project in a more effective manner.

I also convey my sincere thanks to Prof. Gary Nierengarten and Dr. Balsy Kasi for their support and suggestions during the entire period of this project. I am grateful to Engineering Management program and St. Cloud state university for providing me such wonderful resources. And finally I would like to thank Ms. Sue Pope, my family and all my well-wishers who supported me throughout my master’s program.



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