"A Study of Quality Assurance and Testing in Software Development Life " by Pranathi Nandhyala

The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type

Starred Paper

Degree Name

Engineering: M.E.M


Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


College of Science and Engineering

First Advisor

Ben Baliga

Second Advisor

Jeongmin Byun

Third Advisor

Balsy Kasi

Keywords and Subject Headings

Testing, Quality Assurance, Software Management Life Cycle, SDLC


The objective of this document is to specify a Software Quality Life Cycle (SQLC) that will be used in the development of high quality software. The goal is to create streamlined usable process that supports the SQLC so that the activities related to software quality can be integrated into the existing software development processes. In addition, it is important that we create these processes so they will:

  • Not inhibit the flow of work
  • Not inhibit the creativity of the people
  • Not fail immediately because of the time or resources required
  • Not fail in the long run because the process or life cycle is unsupportable or inflexible.

This document will:

  • Outline the Software Quality Life Cycle (SQLC) and the steps in that life cycle.
  • Focus on a framework and guidelines, not step by step instructions.
  • Define software quality and testing terms that may be unfamiliar or used inconsistently.

Benefits for the users of this document:

  • Provide a repeatable process where the user don't have to reinvent the wheel.
  • Decrease the learning curve of those new to software quality assurance.
  • Aid communication and eliminate confusion with the use of consistent terminology.
  • Contribute to a higher degree of accuracy for project estimates.


The Software Quality Life Cycle testing involves continuous testing of the system during the development process. At predetermined points, the results of the development process are inspected to determine the correctness of the implementation. These inspections identify defects at the earliest possible point. This document will explain the Software Quality Life Cycle (SQLC) process and how it relates to the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

This document will:

  • Encompass the full life cycle of quality assurance and testing an application.
  • Include main levels of testing (unit, system, user acceptance, and installation).
  • Provide an overview of all types of testing.
  • Focus on web and client/ server applications.
  • Address maintenance testing.



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