"Computerized Scoring of Results in Track and Field and Multiple Event " by Steven C. Johnson

The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type


Degree Name

Special Studies: M.S.




School of Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Robert G. Waxlax

Second Advisor

Chet Buckley

Third Advisor

Henry A. Coppock

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Keywords and Subject Headings

Computerized Scoring, Track and Field, Mult-Event Scoring


Recording results and scoring track and field competitions is time consuming and contains a number of areas in which errors can be made. A need exists to decrease the potential. for errors and facilitate the organization and scoring of track and field meets and multiple event competitions.

Computer programs were developed to improve the accuracy and efficiency of scoring track and field competitions. Three separate computer programs were developed: (1) to assist in storing all IAAP multiple event scoring tables on computer disks, (2) select point values for individual. performances and then add total scores during multiple event competitions and, (3) to organize results and add team scores for track and field meets.

The track and field meet Scoring program, Fascore - College Version, and the multiple event scoring program, Decscore, were compared to manual scoring methods. Scoring competitions with the computer programs took less time and contained fewer errors than manual scoring methods in each of four tests.

The track and field meet scoring program, Fascore, is available in a High School Version and a College/Open Version. Multiple event scoring programs have been developed for the decathlon (Decscore), heptathalon (Hepscore), and men's and women's pentathlon (Pentscore - Men and Pentscore - Women). Scoring with these computer programs is more efficient and accurate than manual scoring methods. These programs can also be used by persons with minimal computer experience.


I would like to thank Jack Wieber for his help and expertise in writing the computer programs. I would also like to thank the members of my thesis committee (Robert Waxlax Chester Buckley, and Henry Coppock), ans especially Robert Waxlax, for the assistance I received in writing this thesis.

OCLC Number




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