"Mining Companies and CSR in Guinea: Use the U.N. Global Compact Model" by Mariama Cire Kebe

The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type


Degree Name

Social Responsibility: M.S.

First Advisor

Alexander Polacco

Second Advisor

Jiping Zuo

Third Advisor

Semya Hakim

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Keywords and Subject Headings

Mining Companies and CSR in Guinea


Mining Companies tend to exploit natural resources in developing countries such as Guinea, to the detriment of the local population (Amaeshi, Adi, Ogbechie,& Amao,2007); (Kefee, 2013); (Hamann, 2003). Government officials in such countries often do not work in the better interests of the citizens due to corruption and other factors (Ayoade, 2011); (Kefee, 2013); (Susson, 2012). In this study the writer presents library-research material on the social, economic, and environmental impact of selective mining companies in Guinea, and the complexities introduced by the actions of local government officials. The writer presents recommendations for improving the interests of the natives of Guinea based on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) model of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).


I wish to, first of all, thank the Lord for his grace and guidance through this academic journey. I am also grateful to Mr. Alex Polacco, for accepting to be the chairperson of my committee. Thank you for guiding my path, for seeing me through the work and for directing my work. Your endless encouragement, restless days looking at my work, and quick replies to my emails are highly appreciated. My thesis committee members: Dr. Jiping Zuo and Dr. Semya Hakim, thank you for your supervision, your patience and thank you for believing in me. This academic achievement could not have been completed without your effort and knowledge. Thank you to my supporter Dr. Tamrat Tamede for being there at every step of my graduate years at St Cloud State University, and for the struggle you went through to help me find the assistantship in order for me to complete my education with no financial hardship burden.



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