Volume 4, Issue 1 (2019)
A Tributary, to Poetry and its Teachers
Avesa I. Rockwell
What’s Real and What’s Not
Jimmy Santiago Baca
From the Ground Up: Indigenizing Medical Humanities and Narrative Medicine
Michele M. Desmarais and Regina E. Robbins
Humanizing Intercultural Healthcare: On Integrating Cultural Components into a Medical Spanish Course
Maria C. Fellie
Telling the Truth About Sibling Abuse: Domestic Violence in Julie Barton's Dog Medicine and Tara Westover's Educated
Amy E. Robillard
Self and Other: Creative Writing to Develop Empathy Across the Asymmetries of Healthcare
Michal Coret
Dementia: Shifting Mystery to Meaning and Management
Daniel and Beverly Egley
Embracing the Negative Capability of Dementia
Amanda M. Caleb
Alzheimer's- the Burden that Everyone Faces
Ivana Premasinghe
Rayda Aaishah Joomun MD
Wholeness as a creative exploration of self
Larisa J. Bardsley
Answering the Call
Joseph Hodapp
A Narrative of Breastfeeding after a High-Risk Twin Pregnancy
Jessica Jorgenson Borchert
Five poems about cancer and hospitals
Barry Brummett 7992976
The Grief of Comfort
Brian K. Foutch
Endnote on “Finding Wholeness”
Julia Brown

- David Beard, Associate Professor of Rhetoric, University of Minnesota Duluth
- Julia Brown