"Living My Dissertation Out Loud: Experiences of Minnesota K-12 Asian " by Quyen Phan

The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type




Degree Name

Educational Administration and Leadership, K-12: Ed.D.


Educational Administration and Higher Education


School of Education

First Advisor

Frances Kayona

Second Advisor

John Eller

Third Advisor

Steven Emerson

Fourth Advisor

David Lund

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Keywords and Subject Headings

Minnesota K-12 Asian School Administrators


The goal of this study was to investigate how individuals who identify as Asian descent develop into K-12 administrators, their individual experiences, and life histories. The information gained will benefit Asian communities and K-12 schools in their efforts to develop Asian leaders. As the anticipated findings can direct beneficial social change, this research can continue to advance professional growth within educational systems (Denmark & Klara, 2010).

The collected literature reviews were focused on a variety of subjects, including (a) Asian Assumptions and Stereotypes, (b) Asian Identity, (c) Asian Communities and Family Expectations, (d) Asian Experience in K-12 Education, and (e) Incorporating Asian Perspectives in K-12 Education.

The goal of the qualitative approach is to motivate participants to offer more in-depth responses and narratives to the study questions. The purpose of this study is to gather opinions, life stories, and experiences from individuals who identify as Asian descent who are interested or already work in K–12 administration.

Each member offers unique experiences and tales that led to recurring themes. The personal accounts of the Asian administrators gave us new insights into their separate cultures and clarified the values and expectations of their families. Every participant got the chance to talk about their particular pathways to administrative success, highlighting both good and poor elements as well as offering advice to those searching for jobs in K–12 administration. The personal backgrounds and experiences of these Asian K–12 administrators are evidently indicative of gender inequality, skill, and self-worth. In addition to helping the Asian community by sharing their experiences, it is critical that these administrators seek to build a network of individuals who are supportive.


I could not have made this voyage without the assistance of my defense committee: Dr. John Eller, Dr. Steven Emerson, and Dr. David Lund, who kindly shared their knowledge and insightful feedback. I am especially thankful for the support of Dr. Frances Kayona, the chair of my committee. She provided encouragement, tough love, priceless patience, and constructive criticism to help me complete this study.

I also want to express my gratitude to the Spark Foundation and Coalition of Asian American Leaders - CAAL Minnesota (CAAL) for their kind donation that supported my writing. Their donation towards my dissertation process helped me with my goals in completion of my dissertation.

I am grateful to the St. Cloud State University Education Doctoral Cohort 12 members. Thank you for the laughs, the tears, advice, and “push” to make it to the end of this journey.

Finally, I would be negligent if I did not recognize my immediate family. I could not have accomplished such a journey without their love, belief in me, and confidence. With their support, it sustained my enthusiasm throughout this process and helped me reach the goal of completion.



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