Culminating Projects from 2024
Potential Distribution of Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in Minnesota: A Bioclimatic Perspective Using Maxent, Tali Ahrens-Church
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Mapping Plutonic Rocks in a Complex Urban Environment based on Sentinel-2 Imagery: A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms., HENRY APENTENG
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Grid-level Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Land Surface Temperature and the Association with Land Use and Land Cover: A Case Study of Minnesota, USA between 2013 – 2022, Dhana Bhatta
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2022
Geospatial Methods for Mapping Domestic Waste Piles and Macro Plastics, Patrick Kalonde
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2021
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Storytelling Maps Classification, Konstantin Biriukov
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Demonstrating Spatial Patterns of Crop Productivity in a Minnesota Corn Field Using Hierarchical Multiple Regression Models and Ordination, Ndumezulu Mpofu
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2020
Groundwater Vulnerability to Hazardous Waste: A GIS-based Analysis of the St. Regis Paper Company Superfund Site, Jessica L. Meyer
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2018
Mapping the Potential Distribution of Oak Wilt (Ceratocystis fagacearum) in East Central and Southeast Minnesota Using Maxent, Melissa Gearman
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
If This Land Could Talk: Reevaluating historical representations of Dakhóta Oyáte in Kandiyohi County, Minnesota, Molly Lou Pintok
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Association between PM 2.5 in Minnesota and Influencing Factors: Tree Space Area, Road Pollution, and Rainfall, Junyang Shen
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2017
Habitat Fragmentation in Western North Dakota after the Introduction of Hydraulic Fracturing, Richard R. Bohannon II
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Phenomenological Study of Expectations of Business Owner/Operators for Tourism Investments in the City of Holdingford, Minnesota, Michelle Rose Kiley
Geography - Tourism Planning and Development: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2016
Pleistocene-Holocene Variation of Vegetation Pattern in Upper Great Lakes Region, Karuna Paudel
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
A Case Study of the Decision Model for American Outbound Medical Tourists, Azadeh Radmanesh
Geography - Tourism Planning and Development: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2012
The Use of Lidar-Derived Dems in the Determination of Shore Strandlines of Glacial Lake Aitkin, Central Minnesota, Michael F. Campbell Jr.
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2011
Discovering Park History and Natural Resources through Interpretive Geocaching, Jessica Leigh Rosier
Geography - Tourism Planning and Development: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2008
A Spatial Analysis of the Correlation between Casinos and Impaired Driving Rates in Minnesota from 1985 to 2005, William Craft
Culminating Projects from 2007
Phytolith Evidence for the Presence and Abundance of Wild Rice (Zizania Palustris) from Central Minnesota Lake Sediments, Chad L. Yost
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1999
GIS Use in Nonprofit Organizations: Models for Technical Support, Kim A. Lieberman
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1996
The Study of Minnesota’s Orderly Annexation Statute: A Viable Alternative for Urban Growth; City of St. Joseph and St. Joseph Township, Stearns County, Minnesota, Katherine Liljequist
Culminating Projects from 1995
The Influence of the Railroad on Townsite Location in Stearns County, Minnesota, Karen Johnson