Culminating Projects in History | Department of History | St. Cloud State University

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Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Culminating Projects in History publishes work, primarily theses, conducted under the auspices of the graduate programs in U.S. and World History and Public History offered through the Department of History.


Culminating Projects from 2024


In Plain Sight: Appropriated Norse and Medieval Symbols Shed Light on the Dark History of an American Volk, Lacey K. Fontaine
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2022


Huskies Go to War: St. Cloud State During the World War II Era, Kayla Stielow
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2020


Trial by Fire: Cultural Complacency, Institutional Learning, and the Development of the Fire Warden System in Minnesota, 1870-1920, Blake M. Johnson
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2018


Miter and Sword: Fighting Norman Bishops and Clergy, Timothy Robert Martin
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis


Ojibwe Absent Narratives in Minnesota Forest Park History, Elizabeth Steinson
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2017


“Extermination or Removal”: The Knights of the Forest and Ethnic Cleansing in Early Minnesota, Catherine M. Coats
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis


Cokato Through August Akerlund's Lens, Johanna M. Ellison
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis


Families on the WWI Home Front, Melissa Peterson
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis


Stalin: From Terrorism to State Terror, 1905-1939, Matthew Walz
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2016


The Register and the Wrecking Ball: A Case Study of Four Minnesota Carnegie Libraries and What They Reveal About the Destruction and Preservation of Historic Structures, Karah Hawkinson
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis


“Not with Sword and Spear”: The Evolution and Disintegration of the Anglo-Powhatan Economy, 1622-1646, Steven J. Schroeder
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2014


Highway 83 Revisited: Small Towns Rerouted by School Reform, Paul David Anderson
History: M.A. Thesis


"Uniquely American": The Great Northern Railway, the Blackfeet, and the Creation of a National Identity in Glacier National Park, 1910-1935, Caitlin A. Carlson
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2012


Art Acknowledged and Disregarded: Art and Its National Context at St. Cloud State University, Krista L. Lewis
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2011


Norwegian Immigrants and Adaptation: The Evolution of Concordia Lutheran Church in Edmore, North Dakota, Jacqueline A. Johnson
History: M.A. Thesis


A Psychological Analysis Of Stalin, Brian Junkermeier
History: M.A. Starred Paper


Hirohito's Role In Japanese Military Decision Making, Brian Junkermeier
History: M.A. Starred Paper

Culminating Projects from 2008


Crystal, Minnesota and the American Suburb, Matthew Ottinger
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis


Minnesota And The Age Of Railroads, Jay Timmerman
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2007


Stalin, Jews, and the Nationalities Question, Kazimir B. Gazdzik
History: M.A. Thesis


A Western Brand for Religion: The Baptist Anti-Mission Movement in the First American West, 1790-1840, David Mead
History: M.A. Thesis


Real Potemkin Villages : Pokazukha and Propaganda in the Soviet-Cuban Connection, Michael Thomas Westrate
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2006


Adapting with the Times: The Railroad Depot in South Dakota, 1873 to 2006, Jason B. Haug
History: M.A. Thesis


"Under Every Tree:" The Relationship Between Agriculture and Sawmilling in Central Minnesota, Kyle L. Kohl
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2004


Barden Park: A Case Study in Preservation, Richard E. Kelly
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis


The Development of An Artist's Paradise: Minnesota Landscapes: 1840-1940, William J. Wittenbreer
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2003


Changing Times, Changing Themes: An Exhibit Proposal of the Historical Occupancy at the Library Site from 1849 to 1869, Jaime Yap
Special Studies: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2001


Life in the Mille Lacs Kathio State Park Area During the Depression, Dennis R. Green
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2000


From Mountains to Prairies: A Case Study of Rural Ethnic Community Formation, Susan J. Brekke Benson
History: M.A. Thesis


Brick, Lloyd, and Ozzie: An Oral History of Three Men who Served their Country during World War II, Robert A. Bonine
History: M.S. Starred Paper


Newspapers and the Spanish American War: Effects on a Midwestern Community, Steven C. Penick
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 1999


The Minneapolis Street Railway Emergence to Disappearance, Edward W. Solberg
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 1998


St. Cloud's Munsinger and Clemens Gardens: A Public Legacy, Ann Marie Johnson
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis


The 13th Minnesota Volunteer Regiment and the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars, 1898-1899, Kyle Ward
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 1995


The Gold in the Hill, Jeffrey Clark Wood
Special Studies: M.A. Creative Work

Culminating Projects from 1993


"Been A Long Time A 'Brewing": A History of the Minneapolis Brewing Company, 1890 - 1975, Michael R. Worcester
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 1976


The Siege of Herat: 1837-1838, John Carl Nelson
History: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 1963


Account of Winnebago Indian Affairs at Long Prairie, Minnesota Territory: 1848-1855, Edward J. Pluth
History: M.S. Thesis