Culminating Projects from 2024
In Plain Sight: Appropriated Norse and Medieval Symbols Shed Light on the Dark History of an American Volk, Lacey K. Fontaine
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2022
Huskies Go to War: St. Cloud State During the World War II Era, Kayla Stielow
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2020
Trial by Fire: Cultural Complacency, Institutional Learning, and the Development of the Fire Warden System in Minnesota, 1870-1920, Blake M. Johnson
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2018
Miter and Sword: Fighting Norman Bishops and Clergy, Timothy Robert Martin
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
Ojibwe Absent Narratives in Minnesota Forest Park History, Elizabeth Steinson
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2017
“Extermination or Removal”: The Knights of the Forest and Ethnic Cleansing in Early Minnesota, Catherine M. Coats
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
Cokato Through August Akerlund's Lens, Johanna M. Ellison
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
Families on the WWI Home Front, Melissa Peterson
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
Stalin: From Terrorism to State Terror, 1905-1939, Matthew Walz
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2016
The Register and the Wrecking Ball: A Case Study of Four Minnesota Carnegie Libraries and What They Reveal About the Destruction and Preservation of Historic Structures, Karah Hawkinson
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
“Not with Sword and Spear”: The Evolution and Disintegration of the Anglo-Powhatan Economy, 1622-1646, Steven J. Schroeder
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2014
Highway 83 Revisited: Small Towns Rerouted by School Reform, Paul David Anderson
History: M.A. Thesis
"Uniquely American": The Great Northern Railway, the Blackfeet, and the Creation of a National Identity in Glacier National Park, 1910-1935, Caitlin A. Carlson
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2012
Art Acknowledged and Disregarded: Art and Its National Context at St. Cloud State University, Krista L. Lewis
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2011
Norwegian Immigrants and Adaptation: The Evolution of Concordia Lutheran Church in Edmore, North Dakota, Jacqueline A. Johnson
History: M.A. Thesis
A Psychological Analysis Of Stalin, Brian Junkermeier
History: M.A. Starred Paper
Hirohito's Role In Japanese Military Decision Making, Brian Junkermeier
History: M.A. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2008
Crystal, Minnesota and the American Suburb, Matthew Ottinger
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
Minnesota And The Age Of Railroads, Jay Timmerman
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2007
Stalin, Jews, and the Nationalities Question, Kazimir B. Gazdzik
History: M.A. Thesis
A Western Brand for Religion: The Baptist Anti-Mission Movement in the First American West, 1790-1840, David Mead
History: M.A. Thesis
Real Potemkin Villages : Pokazukha and Propaganda in the Soviet-Cuban Connection, Michael Thomas Westrate
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2006
Adapting with the Times: The Railroad Depot in South Dakota, 1873 to 2006, Jason B. Haug
History: M.A. Thesis
"Under Every Tree:" The Relationship Between Agriculture and Sawmilling in Central Minnesota, Kyle L. Kohl
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2004
Barden Park: A Case Study in Preservation, Richard E. Kelly
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
The Development of An Artist's Paradise: Minnesota Landscapes: 1840-1940, William J. Wittenbreer
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2003
Changing Times, Changing Themes: An Exhibit Proposal of the Historical Occupancy at the Library Site from 1849 to 1869, Jaime Yap
Special Studies: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2001
Life in the Mille Lacs Kathio State Park Area During the Depression, Dennis R. Green
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2000
From Mountains to Prairies: A Case Study of Rural Ethnic Community Formation, Susan J. Brekke Benson
History: M.A. Thesis
Brick, Lloyd, and Ozzie: An Oral History of Three Men who Served their Country during World War II, Robert A. Bonine
History: M.S. Starred Paper
Newspapers and the Spanish American War: Effects on a Midwestern Community, Steven C. Penick
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1999
The Minneapolis Street Railway Emergence to Disappearance, Edward W. Solberg
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1998
St. Cloud's Munsinger and Clemens Gardens: A Public Legacy, Ann Marie Johnson
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
The 13th Minnesota Volunteer Regiment and the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars, 1898-1899, Kyle Ward
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1995
The Gold in the Hill, Jeffrey Clark Wood
Special Studies: M.A. Creative Work
Culminating Projects from 1993
"Been A Long Time A 'Brewing": A History of the Minneapolis Brewing Company, 1890 - 1975, Michael R. Worcester
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1976
The Siege of Herat: 1837-1838, John Carl Nelson
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1963
Account of Winnebago Indian Affairs at Long Prairie, Minnesota Territory: 1848-1855, Edward J. Pluth
History: M.S. Thesis