Document Type
Presentation - Restricted Access
Publication Date
Fall 2018
At the SCSU Data-Informed Symposium, Nov. 29, 2018, Glenn Davis and David Robinson presented a summary of the progress in understanding and using students' sense of belonging as an aide to student success. The presentation featured a description of the belonging research being conducted at SCSU, with data on student success rates for various student groups based on 1st term GPA and belonging group status (high, medium or low). Students who are far from home and low in sense of belonging are most at risk for not returning for their third term. Descriptions were provided of interventions being designed by SCSU administrators to try to help students who are at risk.
Recommended Citation
Davis, Glenn and Robinson, David, "Students' Sense of Belonging as a Predictor of Retention" (2018). SCSU Data. 51.
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