Culminating Projects in English | St. Cloud State University

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Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship


Culminating Projects in English publishes work, primarily theses, conducted under the auspices of the graduate programs in English Studies and Rhetoric and Writing offered through the Department of English.


Culminating Projects from 2020


Dominating Soccer on the Pitch - Transforming Culture off the Pitch: A Rhetorical Analysis of How Megan Rapinoe Is Leveling the Playing Field for Women’s Anger, Amy Barber
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


The Alt-Right: A Discourse Analysis/Deplatforming and the Role of Social Media in the Regulation of Speech, Michael Fry
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Starred Paper


A Plot Against the Perfect Revenge, Casey Fuller
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


“Where have we come and where shall we end?”: An Examination of Patrick McHale’s Over the Garden Wall as a Contemporary Otherworld Journey, Kayla Justice
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Goodness in Toni Morrison’s Black Female Characters, Ayan Omar
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Let’s Talk: A Study of Dialogic Feedback in a First-Year Composition Classroom, Jenna Saunders
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Breadcrumbs and the Children Who Left Them, Sarah Jasmine Steinfeldt
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


Poe's Challenge to Sentimental Literature through Themes of Obsession, Paranoia, and Alienation, Michelle Winters
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2019


The Experience of Somali SLIFE Late Comers Students in the Midwest of the United States, Ahmed Ahmed
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Using Literature to Teach about Technology and Social Manipulation in Society, Ashley Croteau
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Boys Will Be Boys, Girls Will Be Not Like Other Girls: A Symbolic Convergence Theory Examination of “Other Girls”, Brilynn Janckila
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


The Girl Next Door; Strings, Dana Kuntz
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


An Excerpt From: New Blood, Jared Larson
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


rhetsec_ | rhetorical security, Jennifer Mead
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Plan C Paper

Culminating Projects from 2018


Examination of Saudi Students’ Social Network and Language Development: A Social Network Analysis of Saudi International Students and the Input Hypothesis, Thana Aljumaah
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


The ESL Teacher and Culture in the Classroom: Further Understandings and Adaptations, Alicia Allred
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Lavender Linguistics & HIV Discourse: How Do Gay AIDS Generation and Millennial Men Talk About HIV?, David Anderson
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


An Acoustic Phonetic Analysis of Northern Minnesota English Vowel Spaces, Michel Backstrom
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Intercultural Adjustment for Teachers Abroad, Rachel Bassett
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Learner Background and Approaches to Vocabulary Learning, Samantha Carley
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Situating the Voice of Rhetoric for College Writing: A Paulo Freire’s Reading of Adichie’s Speech on “The Danger of a Single Story”, John Chang
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Chinese Student Perceptions on English as a Second Language, Yue Cheng
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Social-Emotional Skills of Somali Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education, Lauren Thoma Ergen
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


An Examination of Singular Third-Person Pronoun Usage Between Spoken and Written English by Chinese ESL Students, Rui Gu
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


English Intelligibility Issues in Outsourcing of Marketing and Call Centers, Eunice Gyamerah
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Perceptions of Nonnative English-Speaking Graduate Teaching Assistants: Identity Issues, Successes, and Challenges in the Field of TESL/TESOL, Anisa Hagi-Mohamed
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


US Researched Writing as the Other Culture for ESL Student Writers, Seiko Hayashi
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Identity choice of Somali College Students, Faisal Hayow
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Spitting in the Faces of Gods and Dancing Upon Their Carrion: Zen and the Joy-Fueled Fury of Henry Miller and Friedrich Nietzsche, Kristin Henderson
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Somali-English Bilingualism: Somali Parents’ Beliefs and Strategies for Raising Bilingual Children, Abdirahman Ikar
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


English Vocabulary Learning with Wordlists vs. Flashcards; L1 Definitions vs. L2 Definitions; Abstract Words vs. Concrete Words, Gilsang Jo
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


“Root of All Social Ill”: A Marxist Analysis of Poverty and the Labor of Writing in George Gissing’s New Grub Street, Hye Hyon Kim
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Do Learners use Different Strategies for Learning Concrete vs. Abstract Nouns and Verbs?, Yulia Koleva
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: A Computer-aided Error Analysis of Grammar Errors in EAP Writing, Shaya Kraut
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Linguicism? English as the Gatekeeper in South Korea: A Qualitative Study about Mother's Perspectives and Involvement in Their Child's English Education, Young Jin Lee
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


On Twisted Sovereignty: White Queer as Master and Slave and Other Poststructural Perversions, Stephanie Lemmer
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


What Strategies do Learners Use to Remember the Spelling of Newly Learned Words?, Sofiia Logvinenko
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Media Cognizatti: Critical Frames for Free Speech and New Interpretations, Brian T. Lynch
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


An Acoustic Phonetic Analysis of Mandarin English Vowel Spaces, Liping Ma
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


A Study of ESL Students’ Perceptions and Performance in One-on-One and Paired Oral Tests, Hayley Miller
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Parental Involvement of Somali Parents in the Midwest, Noorayn Muhumed
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


The Effect of Extensive Reading on Standardized Reading Test Scores of Elementary EL Students, Kyeongmee Oh
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


British Mercantile Mysticism: The Shipwreck by William Falconer (1762), James Ansbury Powers
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Spanish-English Code-Switching in American Mainstream TV Series, Mariel Quinonez
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Thai-English Code-Mixing in Thai Reality Television Shows: The Face Thailand Season Two and The Face Men Thailand Season One, Ekkarat Ruanglertsilp
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Avali, Taylor Simon
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


“... It does seem to be a fact”: Audience Knowledge and a Sociohistorical Approach to the Horrific Grotesque in Night of the Living Dead, Nathaniel Stoll
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


In Between: A Memoir, Naomi Weyaus
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


The Impact of Time on English Language Learners’ Vocabulary Size, Deqa Yusuf
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2017


Motivation Among Kazakhstani Undergraduate EFL Learners, Aizhan Arapova
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Content Teachers' Perceptions of Effective Language Teaching Strategies, Alexandra Badger
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Monsters and Medicine: The Evolution of a Warning in Gothic Literature / Parolles' Word Problem in All's Well That Ends Well, Lisa Joy Bertrand
English: English Studies: M.A. Starred Paper


Identity Transformation in Saudi Male International University Students Studying in the United States, Askia N. Bilal
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


ESL Students’ Awareness of Plagiarism Avoidance, Angelica Carnero
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Do Mainstream Classroom Teachers Still Believe in the Myths about ESL?, Nickolas Castiglione
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Correlation of English Syntactic Awareness, Vocabulary and Verbal Working Memory and English Reading Comprehension in Second Language Learners, Megan Ceballos
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Use of English Articles by Korean Students, Minhui Choi
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


She Can Do It: Messages of Female Empowerment in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Roald Dahl’s Matilda, Megan Dickinson
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Reading and the Response Towards Unknown Single Words and Formulaic Sequences by English Second Language Learners, Deborah S. Dieterich
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


"Where Did You Leave the Somali Language?" Language Usage and Identity of Somali Males in America, Ali Hassan
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


The Acoustic Correlates of Lexical Stress in Disyllabic Words in El Salvadorian-Accented English, Karla E. Herrera Huezo
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Tense and Aspect Constructions Among Arabic L1 Learners of English, Phillip A. Klopfenstein
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Little Stars, Janice T. Lefebvre
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices: ESL Teachers’ Perceptions of Vocabulary Instruction, Danhua Lu
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Teaching Assistants' Perception of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in an English as a Second Language (ESL) University Environment., Glymaris Lugo Cruz
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Saudi Students’ Perception of Plagiarism, Mohammad M. Madkhali
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Blogging in Publishing: Best Practices for Establishing and Marketing Brands, Mara K. Martinson
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Ideological Interpretation and the Aesthetic Nature of Literature, Brian J. McCooley
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Teachers’ Perspectives on the State of Writing in High School English Classrooms, Jennifer Meagher
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Metacognitive Awareness and Reading Strategy use: Investigating the Intermediate Level ESL Students’ Awareness of Metacognitive Reading Strategies, Gulhan Miller
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


English for Specific Purposes (ESP): Which Linguistic Skills Improve and which do not Improve throughout the Duration of an ESP Class?, Audra Mulleneaux
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Integrating Grammar in Adult TESOL Classrooms in El Salvador, Mariel Osorio Naves
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Writing to Be: Mindful Composition to Promote Writing Transfer, Mohammad A. Rahman
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Hello, Teacher: A Study on the Pedagogy of Forms of Address in the Intensive English Center, and the Proficiency and Confidence of Its Students, Christopher David Reigstad
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Assessing Introversion and Extroversion in a Second Language Setting, Caitlin Skellett
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Implications for CALL: Teachers’ Perceptions and Use of CALL in the Classroom, Benjamin J. Stonehocker
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


The Long Road North, Quentin Super
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


Peer Observation as a Tool for Professional Development, Mark A. Todd
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Inkle and Yarico / Sunday, Joanne Walen
English: English Studies: M.A. Starred Paper


Monomaniacal Monstrosity in Hawthorne and Poe, Johnathan S. Woelfel
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


A Descriptive and Qualitative-Quantitative Analysis of the Spelling of L1 Spanish-English Speaking Elementary Students, Tiffany Wolf
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


How Does the Use of Extensive Reading Compared to the Use of Intensive Reading Affect MAP Reading Scores in a Class of ESL Students?, Melissia B. Young
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2016


Double Coda Devoicing in Western South Slavic Speakers’ Accented English, Martina Abat
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Saudi Students’ Motivation and Attitudes toward Learning English as a Second Language and Their Willingness to Invest in Learning It, Amirah Mohammed Alkaabi
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Role-playing Game Based Learning, EFL Curriculum, Michael J. Armstrong
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Queer(y)ing Consumerism: Butch Identity Expression and Consumer Culture, Kathleen M. Bradbury
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Effects of Study Abroad and Service-learning on Intercultural Competence, Alyson Brandell
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


A Study of the Different Perceptions of the Role and Traits of Native English-Speaking Teachers (NESTs) in South Korea at the University Level, Alastair Brewer
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Fighting off the Virus: Cut-Ups, Composition, and the Inoculation of Student Writers, Joshua Chase
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Concern and Difficulties in a Rural District with a Low ELL Population, Rosa I. Christianson
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Application of Resolution Rules on phi-Features in L2 Compositions: Native Arabic Writers in an L2 English, Jon Cotner
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Teacher Development and Emotional Intelligence, Amy L. Dinkel-VanValkenburg
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Haunted By Gender: Teaching Gender Performance through Monstrosity in the Beowulf Manuscript/The New F Words: The Importance of Failure and Frustration in AP English Classrooms, Allison Harmer
English: Teacher Education: M.S. Starred Paper


A Rhetorical Journey into Advocacy, Samuel T. Harvey
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Hagwons, Future Careers in TESL? A Qualitative Study about the Career Choices of the Multiple Year Private School English Teachers in South Korea, Meagan J. Henry
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Academic Discourse Socialization Through Oral Practices: The Negotiation of Participation and Identity Amongst University ESL Learners, Rebekah M. Holmes
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Using Journaling to Aid in Acquisition of Past Tense Verbs, Jan E. Keleny Ms
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Collective of Heroes: Arrow’s Move Toward a Posthuman Superhero Fantasy, Alyssa G. Kilbourn
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Spectacular Violence: The Affective Registers of Black Bodies’ Matter, Stephanie M. Lemmer
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Impacts of Homestay on Language Acquisition, Melissa J. Lewis
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis