The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

Date of Award


Culminating Project Type


Degree Name

Special Education: M.S.


Special Education


School of Education

First Advisor

Floyd Ayers

Second Advisor

Stan Knox

Third Advisor

Doug Johnson

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Keywords and Subject Headings

Glasser’s Reality Therapy, Problem solving approach, Teacher training, Effectiveness of inservice training


This study focused on inservice teacher education effectiveness by comparing the problem solving scores obtained by practicing teachers before and after their participation in an inservice course entitled "Learning and Behavior I.”

The instrument used for this study was the Student Behavior Intervention Simulations, which was developed by the inservice course instructor. The subjects responded to fourteen student behavior simulations by choosing from a list of behavior intervention alternatives or creating an alternative of their own. Responses were then classified as problem solving or non-problem solving in nature.

The subjects for the study were twenty teachers from a central Minnesota middle school. Three treatment groups consisting of twelve subjects each also responded to the instrument for comparison purposes. The three groups included a graduate group of practicing teachers, an upper division undergraduate (UDU), and lower division undergraduate\ (LDU) group.

A significant difference was found to exist between the inservice subjects' pre and. post problem solving scores. No significant difference was found to exist between the inservice subjects' pre and the graduate, UDU, or LDU problem solving scores. A significant difference was found to exist between the inservice subjects' post problem solving scores when compared to the graduate, UDU, or LDU scores. No significant difference was found to exist when problem solving scores of' the graduate, UDU, and LDU were compared. The level of confidence for all comparisons was .05.



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