The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship



Culminating Projects from 2024


Towards a Comprehensive Understanding: An Inquiry on Generative AI, Learning Inequalities and Civic Responsibility., Greici Alles
English: M.A. Thesis

Sacred and Perishable Country of Want: Poems, Carissa Natalia Baconguis
English: M.A. Thesis


C.S. Lewis Goes to Hell: A Comprehensive Hermeneutical Examination of Allegorical Satire in the Epistolary Structure of C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters, Craig R. Case
English: M.A. Thesis


An Impressionistic Rendering of the Poetics of Maya Deren, Agnès Varda and Julia Ducournau: The Power of the Female Gaze in Poetic and Transgressive Cinema, Olivia Fredrickson
English: M.A. Creative Work


The Speculative Nonfiction Memoir, Michelle Gay Taylor
English: M.A. Creative Work


Auden In-Between, Sidney White
English: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2023


Building Terministic Screens: An Investigation of the NCAA’s Communication on Title IX, Lauren Kirchberg
English: M.A. Thesis


Two Beer Fridays, Leanne Loy
English: M.A. Creative Work


Through the Mansion: A Poetry Collection, Zaya Jane Moreno
English: M.A. Creative Work


Writing in a Secondary English Classroom Using Online Tools to Enhance Engagement and Creativity, Ashley Pingree
English: M.A. Thesis


Inclusive For All! How civic engagement can encourage LGBTQ literature in the classroom, Alan Toussaint
English: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2022


Pandemic, Political, and Protest Yard Signs in Sartell, Minnesota, Spring 2020 to mid-November 2020: Personal Narrative, Rhetorical Analysis, and Oral Histories from Community Members, Polly Chappell
English: M.A. Thesis

An Excerpt From: Virtues, Jylian Charles
English: M.A. Creative Work


"Motivating Generation Z: A Study of the unique learning styles of a generation", Nate Doimer
English: M.A. Thesis


Wordsworthian Prospect Revolution and the Disciples of Secular Romanticism/Some of My Own, Ian M. Flaherty
English: M.A. Starred Paper

Culminating Projects from 2021


Cancel Culture and Cancel Discourse: Cultural Attacks on Academic Ideals, Mary Gondringer
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Side by Side: Allyship's Rhetorical Construction in University LGBT Resource Center "Safe Space" Training Manuals, Chad Kuehn
English: Writing Studies and Rhetoric: M.A. Thesis


The Use of Social Media in the Classroom: Practice of Implementing Online Activities in Writing Classes, Kseniia Maksimova
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2020


Dominating Soccer on the Pitch - Transforming Culture off the Pitch: A Rhetorical Analysis of How Megan Rapinoe Is Leveling the Playing Field for Women’s Anger, Amy Barber
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Factors Affecting Dual Language Development: A Case Study of Somali Immigrants in the United States., Ali Bulhan
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Picasso Baby: Hearing JAY-Z through the Ears of Gramsci or How Language has the Power to Effect Change, Jon Cotner
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


The Alt-Right: A Discourse Analysis/Deplatforming and the Role of Social Media in the Regulation of Speech, Michael Fry
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Starred Paper


A Plot Against the Perfect Revenge, Casey Fuller
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


Increasing Engagement and Retention: Teaching Classic Literature through the use of Geoinquiry, Amy A. Gagne
English - Teacher Education: M.S. Thesis


“Where have we come and where shall we end?”: An Examination of Patrick McHale’s Over the Garden Wall as a Contemporary Otherworld Journey, Kayla Justice
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Goodness in Toni Morrison’s Black Female Characters, Ayan Omar
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Let’s Talk: A Study of Dialogic Feedback in a First-Year Composition Classroom, Jenna Saunders
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Breadcrumbs and the Children Who Left Them, Sarah Jasmine Steinfeldt
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


Poe's Challenge to Sentimental Literature through Themes of Obsession, Paranoia, and Alienation, Michelle Winters
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2019


Using Literature to Teach about Technology and Social Manipulation in Society, Ashley Croteau
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Boys Will Be Boys, Girls Will Be Not Like Other Girls: A Symbolic Convergence Theory Examination of “Other Girls”, Brilynn Janckila
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


The Girl Next Door; Strings, Dana Kuntz
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


An Excerpt From: New Blood, Jared Larson
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


rhetsec_ | rhetorical security, Jennifer Mead
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Plan C Paper

Culminating Projects from 2018


Situating the Voice of Rhetoric for College Writing: A Paulo Freire’s Reading of Adichie’s Speech on “The Danger of a Single Story”, John Chang
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


US Researched Writing as the Other Culture for ESL Student Writers, Seiko Hayashi
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Spitting in the Faces of Gods and Dancing Upon Their Carrion: Zen and the Joy-Fueled Fury of Henry Miller and Friedrich Nietzsche, Kristin Henderson
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


“Root of All Social Ill”: A Marxist Analysis of Poverty and the Labor of Writing in George Gissing’s New Grub Street, Hye Hyon Kim
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


On Twisted Sovereignty: White Queer as Master and Slave and Other Poststructural Perversions, Stephanie Lemmer
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


Media Cognizatti: Critical Frames for Free Speech and New Interpretations, Brian T. Lynch
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


British Mercantile Mysticism: The Shipwreck by William Falconer (1762), James Ansbury Powers
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Avali, Taylor Simon
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


“... It does seem to be a fact”: Audience Knowledge and a Sociohistorical Approach to the Horrific Grotesque in Night of the Living Dead, Nathaniel Stoll
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


In Between: A Memoir, Naomi Weyaus
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work

Culminating Projects from 2017


Monsters and Medicine: The Evolution of a Warning in Gothic Literature / Parolles' Word Problem in All's Well That Ends Well, Lisa Joy Bertrand
English: English Studies: M.A. Starred Paper


She Can Do It: Messages of Female Empowerment in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Roald Dahl’s Matilda, Megan Dickinson
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Little Stars, Janice T. Lefebvre
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


Blogging in Publishing: Best Practices for Establishing and Marketing Brands, Mara K. Martinson
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Ideological Interpretation and the Aesthetic Nature of Literature, Brian J. McCooley
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Teachers’ Perspectives on the State of Writing in High School English Classrooms, Jennifer Meagher
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Writing to Be: Mindful Composition to Promote Writing Transfer, Mohammad A. Rahman
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


The Long Road North, Quentin Super
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


Inkle and Yarico / Sunday, Joanne Walen
English: English Studies: M.A. Starred Paper


Monomaniacal Monstrosity in Hawthorne and Poe, Johnathan S. Woelfel
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2016


Queer(y)ing Consumerism: Butch Identity Expression and Consumer Culture, Kathleen M. Bradbury
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Fighting off the Virus: Cut-Ups, Composition, and the Inoculation of Student Writers, Joshua Chase
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Haunted By Gender: Teaching Gender Performance through Monstrosity in the Beowulf Manuscript/The New F Words: The Importance of Failure and Frustration in AP English Classrooms, Allison Harmer
English: Teacher Education: M.S. Starred Paper


A Rhetorical Journey into Advocacy, Samuel T. Harvey
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Collective of Heroes: Arrow’s Move Toward a Posthuman Superhero Fantasy, Alyssa G. Kilbourn
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Spectacular Violence: The Affective Registers of Black Bodies’ Matter, Stephanie M. Lemmer
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Doug Murray’s The ‘Nam: A Literary examination of the Traumatic Effects of War Told through Visual Literature, Andrew S. McNeil
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Dislocation, Fredrick Miller
English: English Studies: M.A. Creative Work


A Medievalist Point of View on George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire: Power and Women: An Examination of Daenerys Targaryen, Jay A. Schroeder Jr.
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2015


Middle School Girls and the Gender Stereotypes We Teach Them: Can Girls be Saved by Proper Pedagogy and The Hunger Games?, Jacqueline J. Alderman
English: Teacher Education: M.S. Thesis


Women Love Horror, Too: Film Adaptation of Pet Sematary Suggests Why More Women Should Get a Chance to Scare Us, Emily Forsberg Bouts
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Navigating the Food Blogosphere: Finding a Place for Feminism in a Highly Feminized Blogosphere, Jenna N. Hanson
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Signal Boost!: Hashtags as Performative Writing and Social Action, Leah Louise Heilig
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


The Rhetoric and Style of Rights of Nature Advocates, Paul Samuel Lawrence
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


American Exceptionalism and The No-Stakes Apocalypse in American Comic Books / Growing Perspectives: A Close Reading of Provincialism in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Seth D. Naslund
English: English Studies: M.A. Starred Paper


Finding Courage in Unlikely Places: Processing War in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, Christopher David Reigstad
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Shades of True Womanhood for Slave Women in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Sarah Esther Stewart
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


The Fall: The First Act of a Screenplay, Jason Terres
English: English Studies: M.A. Starred Paper


Victim to Perpetrator: Reading Trauma in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus / Change, Tamara Kimberly Wudinich
English: English Studies: M.A. Starred Paper

Culminating Projects from 2014


Benefits of Multi-Modal Pedagogies in First-Year Composition Classrooms, J. Corey Fitzgerald
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Walt Whitman And The New American Bible, Kristina K. George
English: M.A. Thesis


Agency in the Age of Machines: Empowering Students as Agents Through a Technorealist Approach to the Machine Scoring Debate / Astute Intelligence: Human and Nonhuman Textual Engagement in Digital Networks, Jack A. Hennes
English: M.A. Starred Paper


Royal Resistance: The Hegemony of Disney Princess Culture And The Agency Of Language, Rachel Leonard
English: M.A. Thesis


Fruitful Futility: Land, Body, and Fate in Ellen Glasgow's Barren Ground, Katelin R. Moquin
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis


Writers Finding Agency Through Mindfulness and Brain Literacy, Erin Elizabeth Schaefer
English: M.A. Thesis


Transfer and Production of the English System of Articles: Replicating Crompton, Lyle A. Shumate
English: M.A. Thesis


Power and the Platform: A Phenomenological Approach to Understanding Rhetoric and Politics in Composition Massive Open Online Courses, Jason Chew Kit Tham
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2013


I Think I Can, I Think I Can: Positive Education in the Writing Classroom, Olivia Marie Hoff
English: M.A. Thesis


From Concrete to Abstract : A Structural Analysis of the Pencil and Paper Role-Playing Game, Tom H. Thayer
English: M.A. Thesis


Writer's Attitude and Writing Confidence: What Writing Instructors Need to Know, Audrey L. Thornborrow
English - Teacher Education: M.S. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2011


Linguistic Variation in the Affrication of /t/ and /d/, Megan E. Tedder
English: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2010


Pluralism in Higher Education: The Ethical Revolution, Sarah Elizabeth M. S. Kath
English: M.A. Thesis


Generic Transformation and the Superhero, Rafiel D. York
English: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2009


Dying Fish Have Poor Grammar, Ryan A. Hanson
English: M.A. Starred Paper


The Horse and Chivalry in Arthurian Literature, Ryan A. Hanson
English: M.A. Starred Paper

Culminating Projects from 2008


Shakespeare in Performance: Teaching Shakespeare via Performance-Based Pedagogy to the High School English Student, Lisa M. Gjerde
English: M.A. Thesis


Technical Communication: Working Towards Defining the Field and Ourselves, Brittany Jansen
English: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2007


Student Choice in the Selection of Literature in Secondary Classrooms, Jeremy D. Hoffman
English: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2004


Exploring Four Modes of Responding to Undergraduate Writing, Mary Gruis
English: M.A. Thesis


Beneath the Tip of the Iceberg: A Semiotic and Rhetorical Examination of Textual Gaps, Emil B. Towner
English: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 1999


Interdisciplinary Applications of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein", Christine Jeanne Grossman
English: M.A. Thesis


Lives in Transition, Jennifer McCann
English: M.A. Creative Work

Culminating Projects from 1996


The Rhetoric of Whole Class Collaboration in English Composition Courses, Carol Mohrbacher
English: M.A. Thesis


Quest for Authority: An Analysis of the Intrusive Author in Uncle Tom's Cabin and The Scarlet Letter, Irene Voth
English: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 1995


A Linguistic Study of the Third Person Generic Pronoun: Singular They, Philip Roger Anderson
English: M.A. Thesis


Character Names in Toni Morrison's Beloved: Why the Slaves Lost their Native Names and how this Loss Affected their Lives, Kerry J. Andrusko
English: M.A. Starred Paper