Culminating Projects from 1996
Behavior Planning Center Evaluation, Brenda A. Schumann
Special Education: M.S. Thesis
Master's Thesis and Field Study Abstracts, July 1991-June 1996, St. Cloud State University
Research Study
Breeding Birds and Associated Upland Habitats of Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge, Kent Sundseth
Voices of Eurasian Women: A Study of Image and Identity, Hedwidge M. Tripp
Starred Paper
Quest for Authority: An Analysis of the Intrusive Author in Uncle Tom's Cabin and The Scarlet Letter, Irene Voth
English: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1995
A Linguistic Study of the Third Person Generic Pronoun: Singular They, Philip Roger Anderson
English: M.A. Thesis
Character Names in Toni Morrison's Beloved: Why the Slaves Lost their Native Names and how this Loss Affected their Lives, Kerry J. Andrusko
English: M.A. Starred Paper
Grace and Redemption in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, Kerry J. Andrusko
English: M.A. Starred Paper
Compilation of Global Education Activities for Use in Mass Communications Studies, Stanley Berg
Education: M.S. Starred Paper
The Emergence of Voice and Identity in the Context of the Neocolonial Experience: The Writings of Jamaica Kincaid, Kirstin Ruth Bratt
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis
Unfinished Men, Angelo Gentile
English: M.A. Creative Work
The Influence of the Railroad on Townsite Location in Stearns County, Minnesota, Karen Johnson
A Needs Assessment Survey of University Support Staff, Margaret L. Johnson
Special Studies: M.A. Starred Paper
A Study of the Effectiveness of Daily Oral Language in Helping Middle Level Students with their Grammar Skills, Laura E. Mackenthun
Education: M.S. Thesis
Fueling the Body for the Ultramarathon, Joseph Emil Perske
Starred Paper
The Gold in the Hill, Jeffrey Clark Wood
Special Studies: M.A. Creative Work
Culminating Projects from 1994
The Novels of Jon Hassler: A Lesson in Compassion, Paul E. Beckermann
English: M.A. Thesis
In The Fulness of Time, Bryant Christenson
Music - Conducting: M.M. Creative Work
Mother in the Garden: A Collection of Poems, Heidi L. Everett
English: M.A. Creative Work
Administration and Comparison of Model Cholesterol Education Program With and Without Support, Jill M. Kurpiers Gromberg
Exercise Science: M.S. Thesis
Assessing the Validity of Facilitated Communication for Individuals with Autism and/or Moderate to Severe Disabilities, Diane Nichols
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Inclusion and Support of Students through Program Modification, Diane Nichols
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Implications of Accounting Curriculum Design Due to 150-hour Legislation Requirements, Kristin M. Sundby
Starred Paper
The Influence of Individual Temperament Difference and Parent-Child Interaction Patterns on Initial Language Acquisition in Monozygotic Twins, Linda E. Wills
Early Childhood Special Education Studies: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1993
A Review of the Literature on the Evaluation of Superintendents, Mitchell Clausen
Starred Paper