Culminating Projects from 2000
The Role of Response Effort in Maintaining the Use of an Alternative Activity to Reduce Self-Injurious Behavior in Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Jacqueline M. Harth
Applied Behavior Analysis: M.S. Thesis
The Personal and Professional Benefits and Difficulties of Teaching Overseas, Linda KH Hoiseth
Education: M.S. Thesis
Resources and Computer Use of Parent Educators in Minnesota, Renee Ann Archambault Lach
Newspapers and the Spanish American War: Effects on a Midwestern Community, Steven C. Penick
History: M.A. Thesis
Integration of Typical Children and Children with Special Needs in the Preschool Setting, Julie Renaud-Resch
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Examination of the Literature to See Whether Students with Disabilities Fare Better when Instructed in Full Inclusion than in Traditional Pull-Out Settings, Rodney W. Schindele
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
The Examination of Classwide Peer Tutoring as a Teaching/Learning Method for all Students, Rodney W. Schindele
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Fostering Resilience within Schools, Jamie R. Schlafke
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
The Protective Factors of the Resilient Child, Jamie R. Schlafke
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Master's Thesis and Field Study Abstracts, July 1998-June 2000, St. Cloud State University
Research Study
Effective Interventions for Children with Autism, Deborah M. West
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 1999
Multicultural Education: A Review of Approaches and Methods, Heather P. Abrahamson
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Human Animal Activities: A Potential for Resiliency, Sandra J. Furman
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Resiliency: It’s Importance For “At Promise” Youth, Sandra J. Furman
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Interdisciplinary Applications of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein", Christine Jeanne Grossman
English: M.A. Thesis
A Case Study Analysis: Evaluation of Diversity Training Programs, Elizabeth A. Kane
Extensions: A Supplemental Addition to Any Level 1-2 Piano Student, Debi Konz
Music - Education: M.M. Creative Work
GIS Use in Nonprofit Organizations: Models for Technical Support, Kim A. Lieberman
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Lives in Transition, Jennifer McCann
English: M.A. Creative Work
Issues in Special Education Assessments with Limited English Proficiency Students / Strategies to Improve Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension, Lynn D. Raustadt
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
The Minneapolis Street Railway Emergence to Disappearance, Edward W. Solberg
History: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1998
Improving Student Attitudes toward Science, Sandi J. Arndt
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Thesis
Six Days and Six Nights: An Inside Look at a College Hockey Rivalry, Daniel Burkhart
Mass Communications: M.S. Starred Paper
Privatization, LaVon Nohre Jalonack
Starred Paper
St. Cloud's Munsinger and Clemens Gardens: A Public Legacy, Ann Marie Johnson
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis