Culminating Projects from 1980
The Arthurian Legend In Malory And The 1970's: A Comparison, Marian R. Rengel
English: M.A. Thesis
Alternative Programming: Update to Educating, Dona L. Stanton
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Special Problems Leading to the Need for Alternative Education Programs, Dona L. Stanton
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
The Carlton County Youth Program: A Model Alternative Program, Dona L. Stanton
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Master's Thesis and Field Study Abstracts, July 1977-June 1980, St. Cloud State University
Research Study
Culminating Projects from 1979
A Study of the Effects of Three Elementary Physical Education Exercise Programs in Relationship to Physical Fitness and Heart Rate of Sixth Grade Students, Bradley J. Isberner
The Relationship of Leaf Processing Rates and Invertebrate Functional Groups to Stream Order in Northeastern Minnesota, Steven Norman Williams
Culminating Projects from 1978
A Historical Case Study of Project REACH, Joyce Elaine Juntune
Police Emergency Driving Instruction Program Evaluation, John W. Palmer
Special Studies: M.S. Thesis
Black Folk Culture In The Fiction Of The Harlem Renaissance, Judy Schreiner
English: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1977
A Study of the Vegetation in the Upland Forest of St. John's Abbey and University, Collegeville, Minnesota, Lorraine Westrup Cofell
Biological Sciences - Ecology and Natural Resources: M.S. Thesis
Public Library Bond Issues Elections in St. Cloud, Minnesota, Keith Gilbertson
Information Media - Library Media: M.S. Thesis
A Study of the 3M Tattle Tape Book Detection System of St. Cloud State University, Harlan J. Jensen
Information Media: Specialist degree Field Study
A Comparative Study of the Success of Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball Teams in the Central Gopher Conference, Sharon K. Lorton-Gregerson
Hunter S. Thompson: Moralist or Second-Rate Accountant, Charles W. Seefeldt
English: English Studies: M.A. Thesis
Master's Thesis and Field Study Abstracts, July 1974-June 1977, St. Cloud State University
Research Study
Culminating Projects from 1976
Human Relations Theory and Community Education, Diana Greenblau Kasper
Starred Paper
The Siege of Herat: 1837-1838, John Carl Nelson
History: M.A. Thesis
Economic Importance of the Common Snapping Turtle Chelydra Serpentina Linnaeus in the United States, Elaine M. Thrune
Starred Paper
Effects of Egg Proximity During Incubation on Hatching Success in Coturnix and Button Quail Eggs, Elaine M. Thrune
Starred Paper
Tips on Culturing Wood Ticks, Elaine M. Thrune
Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 1975
A Study of Aesthetic Vocabulary Used by Boys Versus Girls in Picture Judgment, Meredith Hawkins Henriksen
The Effects of the Pre-Emergence Herbicides Chloramben, Atrazine, and Alachlor on Growth and Development of Leopard Frog, Rana Pipiens (Schreber), Larvae, Dean L. Hovey
Biological Sciences - Ecology and Natural Resources: M.S. Thesis
Realistic Participation for Community Education, Diana Greenblau Kasper
Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 1974
Phrenology in Selected Stories of Edgar Allan Poe, Michael D. Engelhart
English: M.A. Thesis