The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

"Culminating projects" are primarily theses or dissertations written to fulfill program requirements leading to a Master's or Doctoral degree respectively. Some graduate programs require a "starred paper," often shorter than a more formal thesis. "Creative works" are employed in select programs in the arts. The University is selectively digitizing thesis and dissertations from earlier years (prior to 2015) with the permission of the authors.


Culminating Projects from 2015


Technology-Based Support for Early Readers, Jennifer Manion
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper


Comparative study of Foreign Language Anxiety in Korean and Chinese Students, Kevin Manley
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Educational Supports for Transition: What Schools can do to Improve the Employment Readiness of Students with Disabilities, Cheryl Marelic
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper


Reverse Logistics Optimization, Venkata Hitesh Matthi
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper


Strategies for Gaining and Maintaining Employment for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Melanie McPherson
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper


The Effect of a Study Strategy Group on Self-Efficacy, Aaron P. Mertes
Rehabilitation Counseling: M.S. Thesis


Implementing an Iterative Approach to Develop a Windows Application, Shadab Rahil Mohammed
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper


Transforming Identity from L1 to L2, while Studying Abroad in the U.S.: What Changes are There?, Hwakyun Mok
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Development of Operational Excellence Strategies in a Custom Manufacturing Environment to Increase Profitability and Gain Competitive Advantage, Robin L. Moore-Govro
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper


Puredata Systems for Analytics: Concurrency and Workload Management, Sai Mohit Muddu
Information Assurance: M.S. Starred Paper


Customization of Reporting System Using My'ptp' Manager, Satya Nadupalli
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper


American Exceptionalism and The No-Stakes Apocalypse in American Comic Books / Growing Perspectives: A Close Reading of Provincialism in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Seth D. Naslund
English: English Studies: M.A. Starred Paper


Regression Analysis To Forecast the Demand of New Single Family Houses in USA, Lama Nayal
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper


Using the Teaching Interactions Procedure to Teach Social Skills to Children with Autism and Intellectual Disability, Aubrey Hui-Shyuan Ng
Applied Behavior Analysis: M.S. Thesis


The Overrepresentation of African American Students in Special Education: A Review of the Literature, Joshua D. Niedenfuer
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper


Experiences of Girls Participating in STEM Educational Programs in Burkina Faso, Marie Angele Hermine Nintiema
Educational Administration and Leadership, K-12: Ed.D. Dissertation


The Relationship Experience of Latina/o-White Couples, Dana I. Nixon
Marriage and Family Therapy: M.S. Thesis


Female Genital Mutilation: The Case of Kisii People in America, Faith Moraa Nyakondo
Social Responsibility: M.S. Starred Paper


Getting On Board: Investigating the Opinions and Attitudes of ESL Teachers on the Use of Interactive Whiteboards in the ESL Classroom, Casey M. O’Donnell
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Somali Elder Care: A Guide for Healthcare in the West, Meyran A. Omar
Gerontology: M.S. Starred Paper


Maximizing Yield Using D.O.E in the (CIT) Giving Garden, Dennis Otremba
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper


Second Language Model Programming: An Examination of Co-Teaching and Pull-Out Instruction / Assessment of Second-Language Learners: An Examination of Current Assessment Practice, Amanda M. Pearson
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Starred Paper


Risk Behaviors of Students at Alternative Schools, Deborah Peterson
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper


Development of Data Refresh Tool Using Scaled Agile Framework in a Financial Corporation, Suresh M. Poudel
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper


A Study on How Home Environment Influences Adolescent L2 Learners of English in Bangladesh, Mohammad Anisur Rahman
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis