Culminating Projects from 2011
Bipolar Disorder: The Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Medication, Leah Fuller
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
The application of successional theory-based management to Minnesota prairie sites degraded by invasive plant species, Jamie R. Hanson
Biological Sciences - Ecology and Natural Resources: M.S. Thesis
Norwegian Immigrants and Adaptation: The Evolution of Concordia Lutheran Church in Edmore, North Dakota, Jacqueline A. Johnson
History: M.A. Thesis
A Psychological Analysis Of Stalin, Brian Junkermeier
History: M.A. Starred Paper
Hirohito's Role In Japanese Military Decision Making, Brian Junkermeier
History: M.A. Starred Paper
Error Correction in an Email Exchange, David B. Laframboise
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis
Social Capital at the Rural Winter Farmers’ Market: An Exploratory Study Connected to Sustainability and Local Food Systems, Shaun S. Phillips
Social Responsibility: M.S. Thesis
Discovering Park History and Natural Resources through Interpretive Geocaching, Jessica Leigh Rosier
Geography - Tourism Planning and Development: M.S. Thesis
Linguistic Variation in the Affrication of /t/ and /d/, Megan E. Tedder
English: M.A. Thesis
Diary of a Downfall, Christa J. Theilen
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2010
Micro-credit Lending and Women's Empowerment: The Experiences of Rural Kasoa Women, Eunice Adjei-Bosompem
Social Responsibility: M.S. Thesis
Ice Hockey Injuries: Weber Type C Fibular Fracture in a Collegiate Hockey Player: A Case Report, Stefanie K. Arndt
Sports Management: M.S. Starred Paper
Perceptions of Physical Restraints in Residential Settings, Bradley Duea
Social Work: M.S.W Thesis
Motilin and Cecretion of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) in Hypothalamic Explants from Male and Female Rats, Maria Del Carmen De Miguel Garijo
Biological Sciences - Cell and Molecular: M.S. Thesis
An Evaluation of the Greater St. Cloud Area Retired and Senior Volunteer Program: Do RSVP Volunteers Perceive Psycho-Social Benefits Related to their Volunteer Service?, Laura L. Hammond
Social Work: M.S.W Thesis
Building Reading Fluency for Students with Learning Disabilities using the Great Leaps Program, Lindsay Hildman
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Juvenile Recidivism Based on Length of Incarceration : A Pilot Study in Elmore, Minnesota, Michelle Lynn Jurkovski
Criminal Justice: M.S. Thesis
One Somali Parent's Perceptions of Intervention for her Child with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Survey Research with the Somali Community, Lindsay Knutson
Communication Sciences and Disorders: M.S. Thesis
The Diminishing Role of Women Coaches in Female Athletics: North Dakota as Compared to National Trends, Brett M. Mayer
Sports Management: M.S. Thesis
Pluralism in Higher Education: The Ethical Revolution, Sarah Elizabeth M. S. Kath
English: M.A. Thesis
Root Cause Analysis Applied to Transition to Production, Troy Pierson
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper
Criteria used by University Administrators in Parental Notification for Students with Mental Health Concerns, Margaret L. Sarnicki
Higher Education Administration: M.S. Thesis
Quantity, Frequency, and Type of Teacher Talk in the Foreign Language Classroom, Miranda L. Schornack
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis
Laboratory Flume Investigation into Hydrodynamic Properties of Select Stalk Forming Diatom Morphologies, Joshua G. Stepanek
Biological Sciences - Cell and Molecular: M.S. Thesis
Generic Transformation and the Superhero, Rafiel D. York
English: M.A. Thesis