All Graduate Culminating Projects | St. Cloud State University

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Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

"Culminating projects" are primarily theses or dissertations written to fulfill program requirements leading to a Master's or Doctoral degree respectively. Some graduate programs require a "starred paper," often shorter than a more formal thesis. "Creative works" are employed in select programs in the arts. The University is selectively digitizing thesis and dissertations from earlier years (prior to 2015) with the permission of the authors.


Culminating Projects from 2014


Transfer and Production of the English System of Articles: Replicating Crompton, Lyle A. Shumate
English: M.A. Thesis


Distractor Patterns in K-12 ESL Reading Comprehension Multiple-Choice Tests, Brian E.J. Taylor
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Personality and Advertising Appeals: A New Look on the Utility of Need for Cognition, Jason Chew Kit Tham


Power and the Platform: A Phenomenological Approach to Understanding Rhetoric and Politics in Composition Massive Open Online Courses, Jason Chew Kit Tham
English: Rhetoric and Writing: M.A. Thesis


Creating a Song Lyric Corpus Generator and Identifying Verb-Particle Constructions In Informal Language, Mary Thrall
Computer Science: M.S. Thesis


Implementing Lensless Cameras in Autonomous Robotic Systems, Aleksandar Tomović
Computer Science: M.S. Starred Paper


An Examination of Student Teacher Reflection, Eric M. Williams
Educational Administration and Leadership, K-12: Ed.D. Dissertation


The Personal is Professional: Feminist Pedagogy And Student Support Services, Angela L. Witte
Social Responsibility: M.S. Starred Paper


Wildwood/Kraemer Lake County Park Observational Study: The Effects of Fragmentation on Old-Growth Forest Species, Rhonda H. Zimmerman
Biological Sciences - Ecology and Natural Resources: M.S. Thesis


Improving Phonemic Awareness in ESL Pronunciation Using Shadowing During Tutorials: Implications for ESL Teachers, Matthew A. Zook
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2013


Two Components of the ESL Summary Evaluation Rubric: Language use and Mechanics, Catherine A. Adiang
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Making Room in Shelters: Fulfilling the Need for Abused Women, Children and Animals, Sarah Anderson
Social Responsibility: M.S. Starred Paper


Rethinking Hudson-Meng: A Taphonomic Analysis of the Faunal Assemblage from 25SX115, Sioux County, Nebraska, Diana M. Barg
Cultural Resources Management Archaeology: M.S. Thesis


Contributing Factors To Retention of Direct Support Professionals in Group Home Settings, Wendi Rhea Foss
Special Education: M.S. Thesis


The Use and Usefulness of Collocations Dictionaries, Rebekah R. Gordon
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


The use of an Industrial By-Product as a Soil Amendment and its Effects on Soil Physical/Chemical Characteristics and Nutrient Retention, Dawn R. Hawkins
Technology Education: M.S. Thesis


I Think I Can, I Think I Can: Positive Education in the Writing Classroom, Olivia Marie Hoff
English: M.A. Thesis


Detection of Design Flaws in Object Oriented Software Systems, Sneha Lalit
Computer Science: M.S. Starred Paper


Application of Design of Experiments in Metal Coating Process Improvement, Mayur Mohite
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper


A Study of Quality Assurance and Testing in Software Development Life Cycle, Pranathi Nandhyala
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper


Second Language Learning Achievement and Motivation: An Interview Case Study of Sub-Saharan Students, Brendabell E. Njee
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Analyzing the Effects of Tree Throw on the Wendt Archaeological Site, Jennifer L. Norman
Cultural Resources Management Archaeology: M.S. Thesis


Forecasting Emergency Department Volumes Using Time Series and Other Techniques, Uchechukwu A. Nwoke
Applied Statistics: M.S. Thesis


Standards-Based Education: Implications for Special Education Teachers, Virginia Phillips
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper


The Meaning of Response Latency in Personality Assessment: Exploring the Impact of Faking, Difficulty, and Social Desirability, Mark A. Roebke
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: M.S. Thesis