Culminating Projects from 2008
Impact of Intellectual Property Contract Language on University-Industry Research Consortia, Michael J. Olesen
Higher Education Administration: M.S. Thesis
Crystal, Minnesota and the American Suburb, Matthew Ottinger
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis
Title IX and It's Effect on Collegiate Athletics, Holly J. Schmidtbauer
Sports Management: M.S. Starred Paper
Establishing Behavior Chains as Staff Training, Nathan G. Searle
Comparative Risk Assessment and Alternative Closure Techniques of Abandoned Manure Storage Basins in Central Minnesota, Joe Storlien
Special Studies: M.S. Thesis
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and the IEP Process: An Examination of Parents' Perceptions, Donna E. Stromquist
Special Education: M.S. Thesis
Interruptions in Small Group Learning Settings with Non-Native English speakers and Native English speakers in an ESL and Culture Classroom, Jill Suresh
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis
The Predictive Ability of Work Locus of Control on Job Satisfaction through Job Complexity, Mary C. Taylor
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: M.S. Thesis
Minnesota And The Age Of Railroads, Jay Timmerman
History: M.A. Thesis
Developing Students: An Examination of Skills Practiced and Acquired by Student Employee of the Year Nominees through their Student Employment Experiences, Erin J. Truhler
Higher Education Administration: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2007
Kaizen Effectiveness and Execution Strategies, David Buye
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper
A Study in Cross-Age Tutoring, Jeannie L. Chu
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Thesis
Stalin, Jews, and the Nationalities Question, Kazimir B. Gazdzik
History: M.A. Thesis
Student Choice in the Selection of Literature in Secondary Classrooms, Jeremy D. Hoffman
English: M.A. Thesis
A Comparison of Men's and Women's Division I Ice Hockey Injuries, Rachel L. M. Johnson
Recent Advances in Key Generation and Management, Raghuveer Koppala
Computer Science: M.S. Starred Paper
A Western Brand for Religion: The Baptist Anti-Mission Movement in the First American West, 1790-1840, David Mead
History: M.A. Thesis
Modeling Displacement Ventilation with EnergyPlus, Judith M. Peters
School Counselor Supervision and Evaluation in Minnesota, Billie Jo Kruse Steen
Higher Education Administration: Ed.D. Plan C Paper
Making the Choice and Surviving the Loss: A Qualitative Study of the Emotional Impact of Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction, Sheri Hegg Tesch
Child and Family Studies: Family Studies: M.S. Thesis
Real Potemkin Villages : Pokazukha and Propaganda in the Soviet-Cuban Connection, Michael Thomas Westrate
History: M.A. Thesis
Phytolith Evidence for the Presence and Abundance of Wild Rice (Zizania Palustris) from Central Minnesota Lake Sediments, Chad L. Yost
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2006
A Historical View of St. Cloud State University Women's Athletics, Anne E. Abicht
Sports Management: M.S. Thesis
The State of Teen Dating Violence Education in High Schools, Jennifer L. Anderson
Social Responsibility: M.S. Starred Paper
Improved Design Method for Hard Disk Suspension Assembly, Madan Baral