All Graduate Culminating Projects | St. Cloud State University

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Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

"Culminating projects" are primarily theses or dissertations written to fulfill program requirements leading to a Master's or Doctoral degree respectively. Some graduate programs require a "starred paper," often shorter than a more formal thesis. "Creative works" are employed in select programs in the arts. The University is selectively digitizing thesis and dissertations from earlier years (prior to 2015) with the permission of the authors.


Culminating Projects from 2013


Maya Cave Art Survey at Nueve Cerros, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, Gregory T. Schwab
Cultural Resources Management Archaeology: M.S. Thesis


A Study of the Effects of Using Computer Spreadsheets on Student Development of Algebraic Thinking to Compare Function Growth, Beth Stone
Applied Statistics: M.S. Thesis


A Pilot Survey of Cyberbullying: The Impact of Parental Involvement on Adolescent Experiences with this Phenomenon, Nicole M. Stottlemyre
Criminal Justice: M.S. Thesis


From Concrete to Abstract : A Structural Analysis of the Pencil and Paper Role-Playing Game, Tom H. Thayer
English: M.A. Thesis


Writer's Attitude and Writing Confidence: What Writing Instructors Need to Know, Audrey L. Thornborrow
English - Teacher Education: M.S. Thesis


Perceptions of Middle School Principals as Instructional Leaders: A Case Study of Two Schools, Todd J. Van Erp
Educational Administration and Leadership, K-12: Ed.D. Dissertation


Optimal Matching Distances between Categorical Sequences: Distortion and Inferences by Permutation, Juan P. Zuluaga
Applied Statistics: M.S. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2012


Factors that Influence Students' Persistence and Degree Attainment while Matriculating through a Doctor of Education Program, Michele L. Braun
Higher Education Administration: M.S. Thesis


The Use of Lidar-Derived Dems in the Determination of Shore Strandlines of Glacial Lake Aitkin, Central Minnesota, Michael F. Campbell Jr.
Geography - Geographic Information Science: M.S. Thesis


Best Practices for Learner Engagement in Higher Education Online Courses, Kristen Carlson
Information Media - Instructional Design and Training: M.S. Plan C Paper


Sex with the Lights on: A Pilot Study on Sexuality in Minnesota Nursing Homes, Kathleen M. Castillo
Social Work: M.S.W Thesis


Utilization of Evolutionary Algorithms to Improve Engineering Decision - Making, Robert Gerhart
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper


Module Manager Project to Support the RMA Process, Richard Laborde
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper


Art Acknowledged and Disregarded: Art and Its National Context at St. Cloud State University, Krista L. Lewis
History: Public History: M.A. Thesis


Undergraduate Student Leadership Development: A Quantitative Investigation Using the Social Change Model of Leadership Development, Jodi L. Monerson
Higher Education Administration: Ed.D. Dissertation


Modeling Offensive Performance and Salary in Major League Baseball, Joseph E. Ojanen
Applied Economics: M.S. Thesis


Past, Present, Future: Times of Change for Continuing Education Units in Higher Education Institutions, Gail M. Ruhland
Higher Education Administration: Ed.D. Dissertation


Motivation and its Effect on Exercise Choice, Laura L. Seidenkranz
Sports Management: M.S. Thesis


A Conflict of Interest: Analyzing the Impact of the Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) and Tourism Promotion on the Environment and Livelihood in Bagamoyo Town, Tanzania, Nancy Shedrack
Social Responsibility: M.S. Thesis


The Road to St. Cloud: How Students Discover and Decide to Study at SCSU's Intensive English Center, Sarah G. Vinz
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


A Comparison of a Dynamic Preference Assessment and a Brief Multiple-Stimulus without Replacement Preference Assessment in an Applied Setting, Ashley Warling-Spiegel
Applied Behavior Analysis: M.S. Thesis

Culminating Projects from 2011


Using Secondary Fitness to Break Ties in a Genetic Algorithm for the One-Dimensional Bin-Packing Problem, Justin W. Benjamin
Computer Science: M.S. Thesis


The Impact of Problem-Based Learning on Problem-Solving Skills, Breanna E. Cardinal
Starred Paper


Pragmatic Awareness and International University Students, Brigid A. Erickson
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Now is the Time for Peace: A Choral Concert for Remembrance and Renewal Honoring Victims of the Holocaust, Marie Diane Flagstad
Music - Conducting: M.M. Creative Work