All Graduate Culminating Projects | St. Cloud State University

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Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

"Culminating projects" are primarily theses or dissertations written to fulfill program requirements leading to a Master's or Doctoral degree respectively. Some graduate programs require a "starred paper," often shorter than a more formal thesis. "Creative works" are employed in select programs in the arts. The University is selectively digitizing thesis and dissertations from earlier years (prior to 2015) with the permission of the authors.


Culminating Projects from 2009


Parenting Styles of Division I Men and Women Hockey Players in the WCHA, Jeffrey Giesen
Sports Management: M.S. Thesis


Emotion Recognition and Language Learning, Amanda Kay Hammen
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Dying Fish Have Poor Grammar, Ryan A. Hanson
English: M.A. Starred Paper


The Horse and Chivalry in Arthurian Literature, Ryan A. Hanson
English: M.A. Starred Paper


Happiness as a Function of Exercise Training Impulse, Training Frequency and Age in Adults, Jeffrey C. John
Exercise Science: M.S. Thesis


The Geek Syndrome… A Study of the Impact of Asperger’s on the Family, Richelle H. Kramer
Social Work: M.S.W Thesis


An Epidemiological Study of Organized-Crime in Contemporary Ghana and its Impact on Society, Nii Amartey Laryea
Criminal Justice: M.S. Thesis


Social Work Perceptions about Physical Restraint use with the Adult Patient in a Hospital Setting, Kathryn A. Lund-Reed
Social Work: M.S.W Thesis


Writing Instruction for English Language Learners: Theoretical Underpinnings, Practical Happenings, Jennifer R. Nelson
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit and Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury in Baseball Pitchers, Cristina C. Nistler
Exercise Science: M.S. Starred Paper


Design Optimization of High Speed Printed Circuit Boards, Chudy Roosevelt Nwachukwu
Electrical Engineering: M.S. Thesis


Not Having Your Family There With You: The Challenges That Somali Women Face In Resettling And Readjusting In Central Minnesota, Patricia J. Ringsred Offerdahl
Social Work: M.S.W Thesis


Attachment Disorders: Implications for Educators, Darcy Otto
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper

Culminating Projects from 2008


Who's Caring for the Kids? The Status of the Wages and Working Conditions of the Early Childhood Workforce in Minnesota, Jennifer L. Andres
Child and Family Studies: Family Studies: M.S. Thesis


An Exploratory Case Study: The Saint Paul College Transfer Center, Gina R. Boeckermann
Higher Education Administration: M.S. Thesis


Technology and Communicative Language Teaching, Daryl R. Boeckers
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper


A Spatial Analysis of the Correlation between Casinos and Impaired Driving Rates in Minnesota from 1985 to 2005, William Craft


Cultural Identity Adjustment for International Students in St. Cloud State University, MN, USA, Maria Lazaro de Ortecho


Shakespeare in Performance: Teaching Shakespeare via Performance-Based Pedagogy to the High School English Student, Lisa M. Gjerde
English: M.A. Thesis


Students with Learning Disabilities in Postsecondary Educational Settings: What Do They Need?, Cindee Haider
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper


The Effectiveness of Information Literacy Instruction at St. Cloud State University: A Lesson in Situated Cognition, Jennifer C. Hill
Information Media - Education Media: M.S. Starred Paper


Technical Communication: Working Towards Defining the Field and Ourselves, Brittany Jansen
English: M.A. Thesis


The Bilingual Dance: Factors that Contribute to the Language Choice of Bilingual Mothers, Karen L. Jentz
Child and Family Studies: Family Studies: M.S. Thesis


Effects of Gender on the Career Aspirations of Administrators in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System, Christine C. Lepkowski
Higher Education Administration: M.S. Thesis


Designing and Setting Up a Process for Assessing Measurement System's Capability, Kiran Namala
Engineering: M.E.M Starred Paper