The Repository @ St. Cloud State

Open Access Knowledge and Scholarship

"Culminating projects" are primarily theses or dissertations written to fulfill program requirements leading to a Master's or Doctoral degree respectively. Some graduate programs require a "starred paper," often shorter than a more formal thesis. "Creative works" are employed in select programs in the arts. The University is selectively digitizing thesis and dissertations from earlier years (prior to 2015) with the permission of the authors.


Culminating Projects from 2024


Reflections in Time: Budget Crisis and Presidential Decisions, Kyle Knudtson
Higher Education Administration: Ed.D. Dissertation


A Secondary Data Analysis on Services Provided to Racial and Ethnic Minorities at the Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center, Theresa Kumah
Social Work: M.S.W Thesis


Association Between Minnesota Special Education Administrators' Level of Burnout and Job-Person Fit, Angela Lauderbaugh
Educational Administration and Leadership, K-12: Ed.D. Dissertation


Investigating Feedback Delivery Skills through Self-Monitoring, Jamie Yuanjun Li
Applied Behavior Analysis: M.S. Thesis


The Acoustic Phonetic Features of the Epenthetic Vowel in sC Onset-Initially Syllables by Salvadoran-Accented English Speakers, Luis Lopez
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Open Textbooks at St. Cloud State University: A Collective Case Study, Sally Lundeen-Hoff
Information Media - Library Media: M.S. Starred Paper


Enhancing Data Breach Prevention Measures in Corporate Setting, Larissa Marques
Information Assurance: M.S. Starred Paper


Feeding Difficulty Interventions and Barriers to Support for Families of Toddler Children With Autism, Morgan Martin
Early Childhood Special Education Studies: M.S. Starred Paper


Effects of Performance Expectation and Instruction Format on Student Learning, Brookelynn R. McCumber, Stephen F. Walker, Benjamin Witts, and Jordan Hammons
Applied Behavior Analysis: M.S. Thesis


Effectiveness of Social Skill Interventions and Social Competence in Middle School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Linda McGowan
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper


The Impact of Student Loan Debt and the Student Loan Moratorium for Graduates During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Britta R. Meints
Higher Education Administration: Ed.D. Dissertation


The Prisoner’s Dilemma and Remote Work: A Forecast of Pitfalls Endemic to Working from Home, Owen A. Nagler
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: M.S. Thesis


Trauma-Informed Teacher Practices and Strategies in Early Childhood Settings, Arielle L. Natzke
Early Childhood Special Education Studies: M.S. Starred Paper


Artificial Intelligence in Disaster Management: Effectiveness and Challenges, Arwa Numan
Criminal Justice: M.S. Starred Paper


Latino Flourishing: The Relationship Between Familism and Flourishing Mental Health Among Latinos, Jensi V. Ocampo Sorto
Clinical Mental Health Counseling: M.S. Thesis


Infant Attachment and its Effect on Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Adolescence, Molly Olmscheid
Special Education: M.S. Starred Paper


National Guard Students and Academic Disruptions: A Case Study of How Academic Disruptions Impact College Outcomes, Justin Parker
Higher Education Administration: Ed.D. Dissertation


Minnesota Public School Principal Practices that Support School Change and the Barriers that Impede Improvement Efforts, Cynthia Patten
Educational Administration and Leadership, K-12: Ed.D. Dissertation


Optimal Joint Angles of a Free Throw Shot in NCAA Division II Women's Collegiate Basketball Players, Matelyn Peplinski
Exercise Science: M.S. Thesis


Factors Impacting Technology Use Amongst Latinx Children in Early Childhood, Katherine Percuoco
Child and Family Studies: Family Studies: M.S. Thesis


Best Practices in Supporting Young Children and Their Families Affected by Maternal Opioid Use During Pregnancy, Lindsey Peterson
Early Childhood Special Education Studies: M.S. Starred Paper


Narratives of Resilience: Student Affairs Leadership Experiences During COVID-19, Clare Rahm
Higher Education Administration: Ed.D. Dissertation


Using Environmental DNA to Detect the Four-toed Salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum) in Minnesota, Alyssa Roberts
Biological Sciences - Ecology and Natural Resources: M.S. Thesis


Experimental Analysis: Vowel Features of Native Hebrew Speakers of English for Speaker Verification, Megan C. Rodgers
English: Teaching English as a Second Language: M.A. Thesis


Inclusive Library Education for Students with Extensive Support Needs, Kara Ronning
Information Media - Library Media: M.S. Starred Paper