Culminating Projects from 2024
Inquiry Project- Based Learning (IPBL) in the 5-8 STEM Classroom, Nathan Anderson
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Academic Language in the K-12 Curriculum, Sara Chlebik
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
The Subject Integration of STEM and Literacy and Its Impacts in the Elementary Classroom, Casey Hilden
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Explicit Instruction in Elementary Math and Reading, Gretchen Karg
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2023
The Importance of Social and Emotional Learning for Students in Grades K-12, Mary Farniok
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Public Speaking Anxiety in High School Students, Emmy Montag
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Fluency Practices in the Primary Classroom, Angela Murphy
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
A Multicultural Approach to Education in Early Childhood Pedagogy, Erin Slater
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2022
Using Coding to Positively Impact Writing in the Elementary Classroom, Robbi Gregory
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2021
Student Motivation to Learn and Pursue Careers in Science, Erica Meyers
Special Studies: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2020
Literacy Strategies in Secondary Content Areas and the Effectiveness of their Implementation: A Review of the Literature, Mary C. Barthel
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Self-Regulation in a Kindergarten Classroom, Jennifer Heath
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
The Use of Technology in a FLIPPED Classroom, Juliet Herrity-Weidenborner
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Using 1:1 Computing Devices in a Classroom Setting, Matthew C. Kilanowski
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
The Effects of Math Warm-ups on a Student’s Number Sense, Brent J. Lundgren
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
The Effects of Class Size on Student Achievement, Kyle Maloney
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Self-Regulation Rooms within the School: The Impact on Behavioral Referrals and Self-Regulating Emotions, Leah L. Taylor
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
The Efficiency of Two Simultaneous Reading Interventions on Shortening the Length of Service Time a Student Needs, Meghan Wiebe
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2019
Understanding Math Concepts in Data and Probability at Secondary Level: A Review of the Literature, Hyungsuk Maeng
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Repeated Reading and Reader’s Theater to Improve Fluency, Trisha Roiger
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Effective Sight Word Methods for Young Readers, Kaylee Simonton
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2018
Second Language Learning Motivation, Reid Anderson
Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Digital Textbooks Versus Print Textbooks, Jamie R. Engbrecht
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Long-Term Language Retention for Students of a Second Language: A Review of the Literature, Britney Heisick
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Gifted Learners as Global Citizens: Global Education as a Framework for Gifted Education Curriculum, Jill Johnson
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Teacher-Led Read Alouds and Electronic Books to Engage Students and Enhance Achievement in the Area of Comprehension, Brianna Kaminski
Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Teaching Strategies to Increase Student Engagement at the 4th Grade Level, Krista J. Lange
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Effects of Dynamic Geometry Software on Secondary Students’ Understanding of Geometry Concepts, Megan Nelson
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Advantages and Disadvantages in Spanish Immersion: A Literature Review, Kaitlyn M. Pilz
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Meeting the Needs of Long-Term English Learners: A Review of the Literature, Stephanie Shockley
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Increasing Student Engagement in Secondary Classrooms, Cheryl Smoczyk
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2017
Buddy Bench: A Strategy to Increase Social Inclusion for Students with Special Needs, Sara K. Groen
Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Balanced Literacy Strategies, Samantha J. Hebzynski
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Equity in Gifted and Talent Development, Jennifer L. Holm
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Computer-assisted Mathematical Interventions on Word Problems for Elementary Students with Underachievement in Mathematics, Seungho Kim
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Thesis
Types of Homework and Their Effect on Student Achievement, Tammi A. Minke
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Motivation Factors in Mastery-Oriented Instrumental Learning and Performing, James L. Pope
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Teachers’ Creativity Perceptions for Mathematically Gifted Student, Yewon Sung
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2016
Application of Multiple Intelligence Theory in the Classroom, Katie E. Austin
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Effective Comprehension Strategies in the Social Studies Classroom, Cullen J. Bartz
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Understanding the Flipped Classroom: Types, Uses and Reactions to a Modern and Evolving Pedagogy, Becki A. Brown
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Computer-Assisted Instruction in the Mathematics Intervention Classroom, Stephen R. Christensen
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
The Impact of Physical Movement on Academic Learning, Kristy N. Ford
Education: M.S. Starred Paper
The Relationship Between Poverty and Student Achievement, Kelly J. Huettl
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
The Use of Response to Intervention to Support Struggling Readers, Alicia Job
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Types of Parental Involvement and Their Effect on Student Mathematics in Secondary Education: Attitudes, Self-Efficacy, and Achievement, Paula Johnson
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Balanced Literacy in an Elementary Classroom, Tracey L. John
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Using Cooperative Learning to Increase Achievement of Urban Learners in Math and Reading through Strong Interpersonal Relationships, Jason L. Kuhlman
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
High School Mathematics Grading Practices and their Correlation to Standardized Test Scores, Brian J. Robelia
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
A Review of the Use of Online Curriculum Including Electronic Textbooks, Joel Santjer
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Video Modeling as an Effective Intervention for Young Children Diagnosed with Autism, Sara D. Schmidt
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Reading Mastery Direct Instruction: A Literature Review on Comprehension and Fluency Growth, Rebecca R. Steffen
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Perceptions of Technology Use and Its Effects on Student Writing, Tessa E. Strain-Moritz
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Computer Simulations and Inquiry Based Activities in an 8th Grade Earth Science Classroom, Adam P. Wilson
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Vocabulary Studies in Primary Grades: A Review of the Literature, Randi Zentner
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2014
Does a Co-Teaching Push-in Delivery Method Have a Positive Impact and Higher Gains on Title I Students' Achievement on Benchmark Assessments?, Katherine Bremer Bickford
Special Studies: M.A. Starred Paper
The Effects of Blogging in the Elementary Classroom on Students' Writing, Tracy Fix
Education: M.S. Starred Paper
The Future of Physical Education will be a Matter of Perception: Do We as Educators Dictate or Listen to our Students? Teachers Versus Students, Mark John Henrich
Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Connecting Schools and Community with Real World Science Through Technology to Promote Environmental Literacy, Erin McMahon
Education: M.S. Starred Paper
Think-Aloud Reading Strategy, Kate Schmitz
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2008
Technology and Communicative Language Teaching, Daryl R. Boeckers
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2007
A Study in Cross-Age Tutoring, Jeannie L. Chu
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 2005
Thematic Instruction Integrating Standards, Josie Koivisto
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Science as a Story, Allison Reese
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Benefits to High School Students Involved in Extracurricular Activities, Brenda Adella Siers
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2004
An Adult High School Diploma: Its Importance, its Future, Melissa J. Chaffee
Education: M.S. Thesis
Appropriate Calculator Use in the Mathematics Classroom, David R. Vaerst
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 2000
The Personal and Professional Benefits and Difficulties of Teaching Overseas, Linda KH Hoiseth
Education: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1999
Multicultural Education: A Review of Approaches and Methods, Heather P. Abrahamson
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 1998
Improving Student Attitudes toward Science, Sandi J. Arndt
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Thesis
Privatization, LaVon Nohre Jalonack
Starred Paper
Culminating Projects from 1996
Perception and Attitudes of Inclusive Teacher Education Program Students, Lynn Paige Pehrson Millar
Culminating Projects from 1995
Compilation of Global Education Activities for Use in Mass Communications Studies, Stanley Berg
Education: M.S. Starred Paper
A Study of the Effectiveness of Daily Oral Language in Helping Middle Level Students with their Grammar Skills, Laura E. Mackenthun
Education: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1992
A Comparison of the Ginn 720 Basal Series with Total Reading in the Albany Area Schools, William J. Krogman
Education: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1991
The Influence of Newspapers on Students' Knowledge of Global Issues, Maurice S. Meyer
Education: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1985
A Comparison of Note Taking Techniques and Achievement, Barbara Bristow
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1983
The Relationship between the Primary Method of Reading Instruction and the Writing Skill of Fifth Grade Students, Diane Corcoran Nielsen
Curriculum and Instruction: M.S. Thesis
Steps Taken to Increase Participation, Especially of Females, in the St. Cloud Elementary After School Physical Activities Program, Guy Schafer
Education: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1978
A Historical Case Study of Project REACH, Joyce Elaine Juntune
Police Emergency Driving Instruction Program Evaluation, John W. Palmer
Special Studies: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1972
Investigation of the Relationship between Children's Language and Teacher-Pupil Interaction, Jerry James Wellik
Education: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1964
A Historical Study of the Development of the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations' Committee on Political Education and an Assessment of Its Political Effectiveness, Arthur F. Grachek
Education: M.S. Thesis
Culminating Projects from 1963
Life on the Vermilion Range before 1900, Anthony C. Schulzentenberge
Education: M.S. Thesis
A Development of a Programed Instruction Manual for Fingerhut Manufacturing Company, St. Cloud, Minnesota, Barabara Ann Svela
Education: M.S. Thesis